WIP Chondro's ROTJ

I'll check and let you know on thr stencils. In the mean time, heres another exciting shipment that just arrived!! Thanks to Machine Craft got the awesome parts!! These are all the jetpack pieces including the new piano keys, as well as the guantlet rocket. Such awesome stuff!!
Yeah I figured if this custome is going to take all my money, I might as well go broke in style, lol!!!

Here's a couple of pics of some progress. Still gotta do the piano keys on the jetpack, and start filling the seams and imperfections.
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You think PS Letting Gray would be closer? Yeah the braids are sweet my g/f is good at that! We'll be offering some for sale soon.
Yeah, them braids come out great! Definitely something to be proud of. Them Ginfer Knots (Otherwise known as Pineapple Knots) are a supreme pain ain't they? I'd suggest using some Vallejo Pigments, like so....
Woodman's ROTJ Wookie Braids - Before and After.jpg

Get em' a little dirty.
:cool: (y)

Oh nice, yes I will look for that to weather them. Those knots are a pain, but I've got a bunch pre-made now
Yeah for me I just rubbed the pigment into the Ginfer Knots and left em' at that. and a few years later - it hasn't rubbed off after several troops with em'. Nice pre-made is good! And also nice that you'll be offering them up. They should sell quick once posted in the Cargo Hold.

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