PP1 Wip Build.


New Hunter
I making this thread to share what I have learned about trying to paint up a PP1 in the hopes it will be able to help others.

Firstly, the Helmet. I used all Archive X paint. For the most part it looks to be the same base colors as the ESB.

These are in my opinion, the most color accurate photos of the PP1 helmet. The light green on the dome and cheeks are heavily weathered with very light almost white greys. Under bright, direct light the helmet almost looks white.

Here is my paint up under similar direct lighting as the photos above. I used mainly SP Lettering Grey to weather with a light touch of Alliance White.

My phone isn't the best at picking up the colors. The red looks brighter than it really is.

The one major potential difference is the back panels color. In many of the photos in the gallery on this site they look to be the same dark green/blue as the ESB. But in this photo it shows it is a green more similar to the back panels of the ROTJ/Sandy helmets.
1980 b.jpg

This looks to me to be a somewhat accurate color of the back panels. If anyone has better picture of the back of the helmet send it my way.
But I am going to modify my helmet so it matches this picture.
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This post is for the Knee and Shoulder Armour
Boba Fett First Prototype Costume
Boba Fett First Prototype Costume

These are the Photos I used for reference. For lack of better color references/ photos, this is what I came up with.


For the Knees:
The grey weathering looks Identical to Lark Light Grey.
For the light damage color around the silver Reefer White with some Depot buff mixed in matches almost perfectly.
A layer of SP Armour Yellow followed by Misting/Shading with a mix of Mud and Reefer Orange to get the off orange color. Then finally a very light misting around the outer edges of a mix of Reefer Orange and Rust to get that darker outer color.

Right Pauldron:
Same as knees but the final Orange/Rust mix gets misted over the whole plate evenly.

Left Pauldron:
Depot buff + SP Armour Yellow mix for base color. Sp Light Lark Grey for weathering. Mud and SP Armour Yellow can work as well.

Thats what I have For the pauldrons and knees. Next the gauntlets. Then the really tough one, the main armor color.


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On to the gauntlets. This post is going to be short as I don't have the gauntlets on hand to paint. But will expand as I figure stuff out.

Boba Fett First Prototype Costume

Right gauntlet:
Looks to me to be Caboose red with black and a medium grey misting.

Left Gauntlet:
Now this one is a little trickier. And there are no good color photos of the top of the gauntlet, so that will be mostly guesswork.
The grey weathering looks like SP Light Lark
The light damage around the silver on the bottom shell looks to be the same color as on the knees and right shoulder.
The base Yellow I believe is Reefer Yellow. In the third and fourth picture the gauntlet matches the Reefer yellow paint swabs perfectly.
As evidenced in the first photo it looks like there may be some orange misting. But the ever changing colors of the pictures make that difficult to tell.
The gauntlet looks to be colored somewhat similarly to the knees but not nearly as orange.
Boba Fett First Prototype Costume
Boba Fett First Prototype Costume
Boba Fett First Prototype Costume
Boba Fett First Prototype Costume
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