WIP Chondro's ROTJ

I couldn't help myself and decided to get the stripes on! 20230918_213152.jpg

Thanks to shortfuse for the awesome stencil!!!
I may do just some small detailing, but not much. As for the costume I still need to do the shin tools and weather up the soft parts. 7CS Jetpack should be here in a couple of days, along with a package of metal parts from Machine Craft.
Mail call!! My jetpack arrived from Lou at SevenCat Studios. I am beyond impressed with this kit!! If you're in the market for a jetpack I think this one is hard to beat and price great as well. I'm so excited to get started on it! I'll post pictures as I go through the building and painting.
Looking good sir! Lou does some fantastic work. And when your ready, hit up ShortFuse for a set of his ROTJ Jetpack stencils - you will not be disappointed! Looking forward to your paint work! If it's anything like your helmet painting skills, you should make short work of this paint job.
:cool: (y)

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