female helmet

judz dwedd

Well-Known Hunter
First of all, Mods, if you think this thread should be elsewhere, feel free to move it. It didn't seem to fit in any particular catagory.

Anyway, here's something I did shortly after Cellebration II. I didn't post it then, because I wasn't sure it would be well recieved. Recently, word of it's existance leaked out, and I've had some requests for pics. So, without further delay, here's my "vision" for a female mandalorian helmet. :)




I went for a sleeker, more feminine look, that sill had an elemet of badness. I'm still not sure if I like the peak in the center ov the visor, though. Thanks for looking. :)
I like it. I think it has a very comic book apeal!
Keep up the good work! I always love seeing customs!
Looks like an Achilles Fett.

I think it's awesome. Perhaps if the "peak" on the front was leveled off. Just a small horizontal cut to change the look a tiny bit.

Otherwise, pure pwnage!
or some reason it reminds me of the head of a classic "grey alien". Know what I mean??

Looks majorly cool though...Luv it
VERY cool!:) I like the streamlined profile. The only thing I personally would have changed, is the point in the top of the Tvisor- I would have left it straight like Fett's. But this is YOUR vision, not mine. I like it.:D
Thanks for the comments. :) I know it's a bit different, but my wife's costume is going to be a spandex unitard, with armor that was cast directly from her full-body life cast. With such a sleek outfit, I just couldn't go with the same helmet. It would just be too bulky looking for the costume. And while I was at it, I decided to try giving it a feminine look, yet retain some of the distinct Mandalore features.
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