judz dwedd
Well-Known Hunter
First of all, Mods, if you think this thread should be elsewhere, feel free to move it. It didn't seem to fit in any particular catagory.
Anyway, here's something I did shortly after Cellebration II. I didn't post it then, because I wasn't sure it would be well recieved. Recently, word of it's existance leaked out, and I've had some requests for pics. So, without further delay, here's my "vision" for a female mandalorian helmet.
I went for a sleeker, more feminine look, that sill had an elemet of badness. I'm still not sure if I like the peak in the center ov the visor, though. Thanks for looking.
Anyway, here's something I did shortly after Cellebration II. I didn't post it then, because I wasn't sure it would be well recieved. Recently, word of it's existance leaked out, and I've had some requests for pics. So, without further delay, here's my "vision" for a female mandalorian helmet.

I went for a sleeker, more feminine look, that sill had an elemet of badness. I'm still not sure if I like the peak in the center ov the visor, though. Thanks for looking.