Yet another ToEleven scratch build

More progress...visor and keyslots cut and sanded, visor superficially installed, ears mounted, stalk mounted (still need to build, mold and cast a rangefinder...uhg)


My visor is a piece of gray acrylic. I baked it in the oven for 6 minutes at 260(Fahrenheit)...then I bent it over the face of the helmet and ran cold water over it to set the shape. I would recommend placing some kind of cloth over the helmet because the heat from the acrylic can cause some helmet material to rub off (i discovered this with a test piece which was ruined). I've had to go back and add some curve to the edges with a heat gun.

I've been working out the ear casting process, and I've learned a lot about block molds, air bubbles and wasted urethane plastic. I have a new found respect for anyone who can make a quality cast.

IMG_20160221_211911024.jpgIMG_20160222_125258388_TOP.jpgIMG_20160222_123521444.jpg ...I seem to have forgotten to take more pics. I'll put some up later.
Your "prototype" there is quite the beauty already, ToEleven! If only you could have included pics of the keyslots, so that we could have seen her from the backside as well! ;)

As someone who has attempted his own crude, amateur block molds, I can understand the air bubbles. Having a set up vacuum chamber would be ideal, though it looks like you have it all under control. Good luck on the RF pieces!
Let me know if I can have/buy one of those test casts to paint!

Dude, I'll let you know...I plan to put some kits together for some people asking for one, so I'll feed you info on what I've got. I'm going to dive into the casting as soon as I get some ESB up on this guy...I got a bunch of Tamiya Acrylics in based on your GMH thread. (y)

Your "prototype" there is quite the beauty already, ToEleven! If only you could have included pics of the keyslots, so that we could have seen her from the backside as well! ;)

Thanks Cyris, here you go...

Also, some other odds and ends...

I figured I would share my visor attachment adventures, since this can be a pain for any helmet setup.

I got inspired by some work done by Intwenothor to accurately emulate the ESB interior. I used some 1/16" aluminum stock and cut a couple 1 1/2 x 1/2" pieces. I bent the pieces a little on the end and tapped a 6-32 screw hole on the end.


I haven't decided whether I will tack the upper clip setup (I'm not exactly sure what is going on there) or just use the T-nut/chicago screw method. I must say that the clip is a dynamite way to do the lower mandibles. They're super solid. BTW I used JB Weld to hold them down. I had my clips drift a little on me which is why the left one is a little lower in the pic. I figure if I just don't look at it then my OCD won't kick in and make me rip one out and re-set it.

Update: I went with a hybrid t-nut setup. It's a really nice and tight fit.
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I like that setup. I Velcroed my visor in, but this is an area of contention for me as the Velcro has a tendency to pull away from the helmet even with some strong adhesive holding it in place. For the rest of the visor, the Velcro works great. I think I will give this method a shot.


The prototype is built from 2mm sintra. My block mold is working pretty well, but I'm getting a few bubble toward the front and sides. I'll cut in a few air vents to fix that. If I decide to make the RF in black I'll need to add a touch more pigment since these are a really dark gray.

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