Who's making your ammo. belt??

Das Deutsche Kriegwaffen! Das ist Wo! Mein pouches auf Deutschland! Für G3 bulletin Magizinich getakin! JA!

Fetthunter wrote:

Sooo... whatever became of this? :facepalm

Who's making THE "definitive" ROTJ ammo belt/pouches these days? :confused

I'm going to need a new set soon, and would like some input! :D
Interesting. G3's, huh? They're not accurate enough for my liking, but that's one way to cut down on labor!

Anyone else know who's making the best LEATHER ROTJ belts and pouches out there?

I've already got 1 leather belt w/ Vinyl pouches, and 1 Vinyl belt with Vinyl pouches. Neither are accurate (or durable enough) for my liking (and considering I wear my costume about 20 times a year, for up to 12 hours at a time. I know the original was Vinyl, but it didn't *have* to be durable. Mine does. Gotta be leather! ;)

Shoot me a PM if you'd rather keep it off the board.

Is Toby still making leather ones? :confused

BigaboyFett wrote:

Das Deutsche Kriegwaffen! Das ist Wo! Mein pouches auf Deutschland! Für G3 bulletin Magizinich getakin! JA!

Fetthunter wrote:

Sooo... whatever became of this? :facepalm

Who's making THE "definitive" ROTJ ammo belt/pouches these days? :confused

I'm going to need a new set soon, and would like some input! :D
Das G3 kostet fur 10, $9.00 kauften. Ich habe keine Seitz fur machen alles Fett Rhustung. Ich Mochten Sie, auch! Ich Mochten Sie Nicht bin keine Fett Dumkopf...Ja?

Fetthunter wrote:

Interesting. G3's, huh? They're not accurate enough for my liking, but that's one way to cut down on labor!

Anyone else know who's making the best LEATHER ROTJ belts and pouches out there?

I've already got 1 leather belt w/ Vinyl pouches, and 1 Vinyl belt with Vinyl pouches. Neither are accurate (or durable enough) for my liking (and considering I wear my costume about 20 times a year, for up to 12 hours at a time. I know the original was Vinyl, but it didn't *have* to be durable. Mine does. Gotta be leather! ;)

Shoot me a PM if you'd rather keep it off the board.

Is Toby still making leather ones? :confused

BigaboyFett wrote:

Das Deutsche Kriegwaffen! Das ist Wo! Mein pouches auf Deutschland! Für G3 bulletin Magizinich getakin! JA!

Fetthunter wrote:

Sooo... whatever became of this? :facepalm

Who's making THE "definitive" ROTJ ammo belt/pouches these days? :confused

I'm going to need a new set soon, and would like some input! :D

BigaboyFett wrote:

Das G3 kostet fur 10, $9.00 kauften. Ich habe keine Seitz fur machen alles Fett Rhustung. Ich Mochten Sie, auch! Ich Mochten Sie Nicht bin keine Fett Dumkopf...Ja?

$9.00 is cheap for 10. Somehow I think they would cost more shipped to the U.S. :(

Anyway, glad you like them!

My quest continues... :)
I made mine from soft leather I found in the scrap leather pile at a tack supply shop, plenty of them in kentucky lol. I cut them out per TK-409's templetes and cut them just a quarter inch bigger so I could sew them together. I'm not done but my fingers are. and i only made 6. Its not like the rest of my costume is dead on accurate anyway.

webchief wrote:

I've got one of Toby's leather ROTJ belts and I love it. Its durable and accurate enough for my liking.

Bob, can you post a few pics, either of the belt or of your suit with the belt on? :)
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