weathering help

yea i know it sounds stupid but its so if i want to go clean i can but if i want to go dirty i could but not mess up the paint job basically i want a non permanent way to make it dirty
no im doing kenix kil here is the pic
kanol matea said:
yea i know it sounds stupid but its so if i want to go clean i can but if i want to go dirty i could but not mess up the paint job basically i want a non permanent way to make it dirty

What about...dirt?

No...seriously. Maybe charcoals and pastels? If you have a clear coat on the armor you could probably grind some up and rub it on with your fingers then wash away later. No oil based pastels, though!!!
Yeah I was gonna say dirt would work quite nicely if you want it dirty...:p If you do happen to use charcoals, be careful what you rub up against, as you'll be leaving black streaks all over your wifes brand new white angora sweater or the like...That stuff is ultra messy.

Dha Syntir
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