weathering advice


ok so my mando is going to be silver and yellow and i was wondering how would i weather the silver im doing the rim on the visor yellow, the gauntlets, knees, and pauldrons so almost all the rest will be in a silver metalish color, so any info on weathering the silver color would be most helpful also does airbrushing work well on weatherin the soft goods ie jumpsuit vest etc?????
Well for the silver, you do not want to use spraypaint. While your at Micheal's picking up the snaps I showed you, you'd want to get some, "Silver Leaf" Rub 'n Buff. Just rub it on, buff it shiney, it's what the Jango Fetts use to make their suits look like pure metal, and it turns out fantastic.

What would you mean by weathering the silver? I'm guessing that the suit is silver with the yellow trim. In order to make it look a little beaten up, or just plain dirty, I'd recommend that you buy some black, brown, aubrun acrylic paints, and make a black wash. A black wash is where you take the acrylic paints, mix it with some windex (20% paint, 80% Windex) and you softly sponge it on several times. You could even take some flat black spraypaint and give it a very light mist.

About the soft goods, airbrushing works beautifully, but don't go overboard.
thanks for the info, the picture i have tho hard to see is what im shooting for, is rub n buff easy to work with??
Rub 'n Buff is somewhat easy, you just have to know what you're doing. The first time I used it, I ended up to have to sand it all off and try again. I also recommend that you get a sandsponge on high grit, and sand the living hell out of your armour; make it smoother than a baby's bottom could ever hope to be.
I also recommend that you get a sandsponge on high grit, and sand the living hell out of your armour; make it smoother than a baby's bottom could ever hope to be.


i used spray paint because i couldnt ifnd rub n yeah the spray paint doesnt look glittery or anything so i am looks like metal...

and uh sanding down to where its softer than a babies illegal,LOOK IT UP...your lucky i dont turn you in right now scum bag!

i used spray paint because i couldnt ifnd rub n yeah the spray paint doesnt look glittery or anything so i am looks like metal...

and uh sanding down to where its softer than a babies illegal,LOOK IT UP...your lucky i dont turn you in right now scum bag!

Wha? :confused
well im using rub n buff and i will be tryin a few washes and maybe a lil air brushing for carbon scoring in some areas ill be postin pics in the near future i also have the initial paint done on my pauldrons and am going to start eathering once i put the underside coat on.
ok so heres my progress so far i still need to finish my right pauldron and weather what i have and im looking for a store in my area that i can find pyramid studs for my gloves on the knuckles






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