Kam's Boba Build


New Hunter
Hi all!

I'm new to these forums, but used a lot of the information here to work on my Daimyo build. I'm a 501st member out of Buffalo with a Naval Line Office and ANH Stunt TK. I've also cosplayed with my local fan club that used to be FanForce affiliated, but has continued on after FanForce dissolved. Our group puts on the annual Buffalo Bisons Star Wars Night, which is the most involved in the country. We write a story line and film videos to play between innings and the story culminates in a post game lightsaber battle on the field. I've been cosplaying for over 20 years. I've had a generic Sith, a non-501st Royal Guard and Kanan Jarrus.

A member of our group turned our attention to a Fennec Shand costume that someone was selling on facebook that would fit my 11 year old daughter. Because she's a minor, she can't troop by herself, so I said to myself "well, she can't be Fennec Shand without Boba with her."

So I started on this build. The jumpsuit and boot covers are from MARKHORproductions on Etsy, the gloves and girth belt are from Gwabocostume and the armor is from 3dcauldron. I also have the Black Series Rearmored helmet.

The armor came in as just the parts, so I spent a few days filling with a resin layer, then filler primer, and then the colors that I found on these forums. I followed the paint layer directions, etc.

The Bisons Star Wars Night is this weekend, so I nixed the jet pack for now, and am holding off on the weathering until that troop is done. The vambrace tubing isn't in these photos because my set of compressor quick release fittings are delayed in transit. So I made some dofors today for those. They will definitely work for the up coming troop.

I also discovered that the bottom attachment on the back plate isn't attached. I will be attaching that tomorrow.

This was a fun build and I can't wait to troop in it.


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