*UPDATE 2013* WIP : Jayvee's 'lil' chunk of ROTJ love' paint up

MAN! Would you PLEASE quit using screen grabs of the real helmet and trying to pass them off as your own work?! It's really getting irritating! :lol:

That is without a doubt the absolute BEST RotJ Helmet paint up I have ever seen!
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WOW Jayvee- The level of detail here is uncanny. The "fingerprints" on the right side of the dome are so precise! Wonderful work bud.
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Gosh, thanks for all the great comments so far gang, way too kind.

Fettfullofdollars - wow, thats huge props coming from a gun painter like yourself, highly appreciate it..

Superjedi - judging from the awesomeness of your own paint ups, id say you still have some life left in ya bud! ;-)
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I couldn't agree more with those who spoked before this post. And those are some of the heavyweight painters of TDH. That dome is a pure... ART!
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I couldn't agree more with those who spoked before this post. And those are some of the heavyweight painters of TDH. That dome is a pure... ART!

Thank you kind sir. Y'know, it's really funny you say that Raf, it was something I was just talking about to a friend regarding an art piece. While it's awesome to have a really cool, Star Wars lid as a finished piece to display once completed, it really is more of an art piece to me also. While some like to do it for trooping etc, which is also extremely cool, for me, its definately about about all the processes and skills that go into the painting accuracy - its just on a really awesome, 3D canvas so to speak. Some people who dont appreciate this so much, and say things like "what are you gonna do with that", make me laugh, because they are the sort of people who also won't bat an eyelid, when looking at someone who paints a vase of flowers for the 3 billionth time on a standard canvas ;) It really is interesting - but also what makes this community so great. We all have that common interest where we can appreciate the art, process, dedication and various reasons why we all got into this caper. Thanks again for the kind words my friend! :)
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I hear ya JV, my brother and others are not able to appreciate what people go into creating such beautiful things, the time, research, and the effort, and still hope things still go good,they are art, even though I look at my MR helmet it is art, as I would not wear it as it is there to inspre me, now thats art but yet it not perfect, and from what I have seen you have the talent, good on ya bro! keep it going you have earned it :thumbsup:
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The reason that my wife allows me to display my Fett helmets downstairs in the "public" part
of the house is because they are my artwork. :)
The rest of my collection stays secluded in the shadowy unknown recesses of. . . upstairs.
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Nice point my stormtrooper only lasted 1 month in the living room then it went back into my mancave.
hopefully she will see the artwork in my fett I am building now.
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The reason that my wife allows me to display my Fett helmets downstairs in the "public" part
of the house is because they are my artwork. :)
The rest of my collection stays secluded in the shadowy unknown recesses of. . . upstairs.

I discovered early on when my stunning wife refferred to me as a 'scruffy looking nerfherder', that this girl must get a ring on her finger pronto! Very supportive she is of my hobby, due a lot to growing up with brothers who are star wars geeks and artists. So, she 'gets it all', not to mention I dont get relegated to the man cave too often, unless its due to acting like a twelve year old, which to be honest, is more often than not.. ;-)
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I know my wife wishes I was as mature as a 12 year old. :lol: :lol:

Usually whenever we go out somewhere, when I park the car she'll say "Lock the door"
and of course my reply is, ". . . and hope they don't have blasters."
That always gets a big eye roll from her.
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Howdy Fett- Rockstars! It’s been a busy month with some house moving taking place, but have found a smidgen of time to devote to Mr. ROTJ Fett, and got to a point where it’s time for the next update installment. In this one, we have the completed lower cheeks. Now, while it doesn’t sound like much, the correct sizing and stenciling, not to mention the involved paintwork, was quite a task on these sections, and they provided a really solid challenge. To get them right involved lots of careful planning, and each cheek was vastly different, so it definitely took time to nail down all the colours, separate misting, and specific fine detail. I am really happy with the final result, not to mention how it’s all starting to come together. There are some small bits of fine detail to be added with the upper cheek colour. Obviously I will add these in as I do the upper cheeks, for good continuity and the same colour throughout…

I started these cheeks as per the other sections – with a basecoat, silver coat, masking out bright silver areas then misting over the silver for various areas using gunmetal and tank grey. I then masked these areas ready for the green coat. Again, I used my mix of humbrol 31 + humbrol 78 (2 ½ : 1 ratio). After this, each cheek was quite specific in shading. The left cheek (left as in looking at the helmet, so the rangefinder side), had some subtle grey mists which I used humbrol 66 (olive drab) for. The other cheek, had some light olive drab mists, but has quite a specific mist of olive/avocado along the bottom of the cheek. For this, I misted Humbrol 150 (Forrest Green), and toned it back a touch and blended with some more Olive Drab (66). Once dried overnight, the faded mists were masked out and applied topically in the correct spots on both cheeks using Humbrol 78 (Cockpit Green). These were blended using my main green mix and some olive drab. For these sections of lighter green mists, I went topical, as from looking at the ref pics, that is how they appear – more a faded look of the cheeks, and not an actual layer underneath. So I wanted to be as true to the real lid as I could be.

Once all the airbrush work was finalized, then came time for all the fine detail work in typical, pedantic Jayvee style. After that was completed, it was indeed time to sit back with a lovely aged tequila on the rocks, before I look at tackling the upper cheeks. Phew!

Pics added here show the cheeks one at a time in pic 1 and 2, then a double pic in 3, simply showing a couple of different light and colour shifts for each cheek. Pics 4 and 5 are showing how it’s all starting to come together as a whole, while we finish with a couple of comparison pics. Thanks as always for looking peeps, feedback most welcome. Peace :)

Basecoat – Humbrol 147 (light grey)
Silver (Humbrol 11). Mistings over silver with Humbrol Gunmetal (53), and Humbrol Tank Grey (67)
Main Green – Humbrol 31 + Humbrol 78 (2 ½ : 1 mix ratio)
Misting over green with Humbrol Olive Drab (66), Humbrol Forrest Green (150) and Humbrol Cockpit Green (78).
Fine Detail work with Humbrol silver (11), Humbrol Tank Grey (67), Floquil Caboose, Humbrol Flat Black (33), Floquil Dark Blue.








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Are you trying to kill me?!...

I have no words to describe what you have done so far. I stick to my last post in this thread: PURE ART!!!
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Hahaha, no, not looking at killing anyone or anything Raf - i'm a lover, not a fighter... ;)

Many thanks for your always kind words my good man. It's your ridiculously fine stencils that make my job a whole lot easier my friend! :)
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man you have the skills to pay the bills with that work, you blow my mind with what is possible, I am yet to test my air brush skills, if I can getr close to your talent, I will be happy:thumbsup:
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This work is the work of an insane madman. There, I said what everyone was thinking. :)

Seriously, outstanding work, Jayvee. It's truly an astounding level of detail and commitment to producing such a high level of art.
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Aw, Jonny, such a shame you messed that helmet up.
Send it to me and I'll make sure it's given a decent burial.


As someone from your part of the world might say, that's heaps good! :thumbsup:
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Hark, I can hear the sounds of my insane madman laugh coming from my laboratory now 'Mwahahahaha'... (rips out my best Dr Evil impression :)..). That made me laugh, thanks for the kind and amusing words Roninson...

Ahh, nice Eric - I knew I could count on you to dispose of this lid Goodfellas style - I wont say anything if you don't, just keep it minimum mess, minimum fuss ;)
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