ROTJ Helmet Paint Scheme Cross Reference List

Man its hard to find a straight answer on paint isn't it? Unless you're building an ESB then you've got it made haha.

For real though I've noticed a lot for the ESB in regards to, well everything. I've been scouring the web and all of your wonderful build threads talking about paint and eventually I settled on the standard Humbrol paint scheme, with a few tweaks of my own. However, I did notice getting ahold of all the colors pointed out in Jigglenomicon's Paint by Numbers thread, can be hard to come by and may go out of stock often. I included Jigglenomicon's Paint by Numbers image for reference purposes.

So I set off to find replacements for Humbrol paints and found a cross reference sheet for all of Humbrol's Colors. I compiled it all into a spreadsheet cross referencing Tamiya and Vallejo so that it is available to all you ROTJ builders. These are strictly following the thread mentioned above. I hope this helps someone out there!

Edit: Updated cross reference sheet for my choice on the missing Vallejo numbers.

Screenshot (143).png


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