Two part question about armor

Don't know what you all are complaining about. My wife was right there beside me at D-Con in her custom mando and her Sith.

I guess I'm just one lucky guy:)

I don't mind, it's still partially on topic.

MY girlfriend can stand me having the old bionicles, DBZ/DBGT, and SW figures, but she thinks it's stupid to have the armor. And everytime I talk to my parents or friends about the 501st, they ignore me!!

How can I convince one of my friends that the 501st is cool? He thinks that it's just a bunch of 40+ year-old guys living in their parents' basement wearing halloween costumes to the movies (I think that's what he said).


my advice on THIS topic...put away the figures bro. by NO MEANS do i mean toss them!!! but ya know, wrap them up in the attic, if u show that youve grown up a lil but and STILL have your armor, there might be some more lee-way there.

i KNOW im gonna get grilled by every married dude that has their figures in the living room...but from a teen/20 year old stand-point, as far as the girl situation goes, give a lil, get a lil...
im gona agree with fett_man. its awsome you go that stuff, but maybe we "hide" it for a while... or wait for your own office that no one can touch!
girls dont like armor,they want something falttering to their body,not lookin manly...get her to be leia or padme or something...come on....its rule #1
I don't mind, it's still partially on topic.

MY girlfriend can stand me having the old bionicles, DBZ/DBGT, and SW figures, but she thinks it's stupid to have the armor. And everytime I talk to my parents or friends about the 501st, they ignore me!!

How can I convince one of my friends that the 501st is cool? He thinks that it's just a bunch of 40+ year-old guys living in their parents' basement wearing halloween costumes to the movies (I think that's what he said).


its alot worse in nevada my friend,you will get jumped for being a nerd/geek about star wars...not cool!
thats why i dont post flyers for my fan force at school...too dangerous
my advice on THIS topic...put away the figures bro. by NO MEANS do i mean toss them!!! but ya know, wrap them up in the attic, if u show that youve grown up a lil but and STILL have your armor, there might be some more lee-way there.

i KNOW im gonna get grilled by every married dude that has their figures in the living room...but from a teen/20 year old stand-point, as far as the girl situation goes, give a lil, get a lil...

Definately good advice, right here. You don't have to hide who you are, but there's no sense in scaring her away early on. Unless she likes Star Wars alot, and understands the whole geek thing, in which case, rock on brother!

How can I convince one of my friends that the 501st is cool? He thinks that it's just a bunch of 40+ year-old guys living in their parents' basement wearing halloween costumes to the movies (I think that's what he said).

Inform them that alot of people make a living off of making costumes like that. A very, very good living. It's how costume designers for big-budget movies are made.

Oh, a female friend of mine gave some advice today on your gf dilemma.
She says "Buy her jewelry. Expensive jewelry. Then take her to a place where she can wear (re: show off) said expensive jewelry."
Cylrul Pbz, I actually kinda thought about the "fem-mando" armor (curvy, for lack of better term) for her. I think that seeing an assassin couple is kinda touching.

Boba_Fett_03, She understands my views on the toys, so that's no prob.
I already spoke with her about jewelry, but she said she doesn't need anything fancy as long as she has me ........:eek:
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Well one thing you can do is Suprise her with a Slave Leia Costume with a nice collar and chain ( for you ). Dont push it on her just give it to her and let her try it on she might like it. Something about the whole Whips and Chain thing.
Well one thing you can do is Suprise her with a Slave Leia Costume with a nice collar and chain ( for you ). Dont push it on her just give it to her and let her try it on she might like it. Something about the whole Whips and Chain thing.

Umm, between me and the guys on this board, she's a little on the husky side, so the slave stuff might not work. :eek: :puke <<<for demonstration
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Well, fortunatly my girlfriend understands my obssesion for star wars, and only sees it as a hobby. She actually likes star wars as well. So it all works out. The other day she ran around with my Jango helm on. So I got a good one. Dont push your GF if she dosnt approve, just let her know its something you like to do, and that its your hobby. You cant make anyone like something they dont like. But if your relationship is serious enough, dont let anything, especially star wars get between you both. Yes, I said even star wars, and you will have to agree with that at one point. Goodluck.

Never thought of just saying "it's a hobby." just goes to prove that I'm a dunce offline.
We're not that serious, yet. It'll be 2 months on Oct. 28
my wife is in the 501st with a tusken and an at-at driver, and the rebel legion with a padme and a leia. :-D

it's all her own thing though. she troops without me and i troop without her. if your significant other isn't into it, there's not a lot you can do to make her change her mind.

on the color note, i'm not really into custom stuff, so i just do things like they were in the movies :)
My wife thinks that it is completely stupid, and she hated when I walked in from work today with a DC-15 and a Clone Trooper Special Ops helmet. You should have seen the look on her face, it was classic.
girls dont like armor,they want something falttering to their body,not lookin manly...get her to be leia or padme or something...come on....its rule #1

More like rule #stereotype rather than rule #1.:p You'll never get me in a Leia or Padme costume for instance. Custom mando (no tacky boob armor though thx) and scout trooper for me. Well that and the other body armor costumes I'm working on. :lol: Those kinds of costumes are far more cooler than misc. dresses, imo.

But yeah, like others have said, if your significant other has no interest then you're probably up the creek as far as that goes and forcing won't do any good.
If all else fails, like I said, Mind Control! Haha, but guns IMO look better black with some chrome or some brown. And armor should me completely matching tones, I think it's ugly when people match wrong colors in anything. Such as puke green and red, Looks good on boba because over all he's a bad mutha. But other than him, it just turns out ugly.
But for gettin a girl in costumes, if she doesn't like it then she most likely never will.
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