Worried that..


New Hunter
Hey all - I’m totally new at mandolorian build and I’m new to the dented helmet as well - I’m creating my Mando costume from pieces I’m putting together from places like Amazon (for instance my chest / body armor is from air soft armor) - am I going to be laughed off the face of the planet because of this!?

I’ve been cosplaying for roughly 6 years - possibly more I’m not sure.. but this is the first time I’ve felt serious apprehension in creating a DIY Mando or any character really.. I do absolutely want a full on mandolorian costume / suit.. I just don’t have the funds to do so..
Depends what your end goals are. If you're looking for 501st approval or any costuming club items off Amazon might not be your best bet. If you're building one to have fun, take to cons and create content on instagram/tik tok you should be fine.
Depends what your end goals are. If you're looking for 501st approval or any costuming club items off Amazon might not be your best bet. If you're building one to have fun, take to cons and create content on instagram/tik tok you should be fine.
Thank you so much for your response - so in short .. yes.. lol - I would love to (eventually) be recognized by the 501st - but for now - it will be for creating content on TikTok and Instagram - I would like (eventually) to have a full on mandalorian style (501st appropriate) costume - over time gathering pieces here and there - again, thank you so much for your kind response
Building on from what budafett mentioned. There are other group resources out there that may help too. Mandalorian Mercs forum and mandalorian builders group on facebook. Both are geared towards mandalorian builds of all kinds. Might be worth checking them out as well if you haven’t already. :)
Thank you so much for your response - so in short .. yes.. lol - I would love to (eventually) be recognized by the 501st - but for now - it will be for creating content on TikTok and Instagram - I would like (eventually) to have a full on mandalorian style (501st appropriate) costume - over time gathering pieces here and there - again, thank you so much for your kind response
So, the 501st is for Screen Accurate, "Canon" Star Wars Bad Guy Costumes. The Mandalorian Costumes accepted by the 501st are going to be named, canon Mandos like Boba, Jango, Jaster, Montross, Jodo Kast, Season 1 Din, and the Various Members of "DEath Watch" from the Clone Wars.

The Mandalorian Mercs Costuming Club is the organization for "Custom" Mandalorians. Here are their standards to give you an idea of what they look for:

I would be a little concerned that "Airsoft" body armor would not match the in universe design aesthetic of the Mandalorians we have seen in Star Wars.
So, the 501st is for Screen Accurate, "Canon" Star Wars Bad Guy Costumes. The Mandalorian Costumes accepted by the 501st are going to be named, canon Mandos like Boba, Jango, Jaster, Montross, Jodo Kast, Season 1 Din, and the Various Members of "DEath Watch" from the Clone Wars.

The Mandalorian Mercs Costuming Club is the organization for "Custom" Mandalorians. Here are their standards to give you an idea of what they look for:

I would be a little concerned that "Airsoft" body armor would not match the in universe design aesthetic of the Mandalorians we have seen in Star Wars.
So - for now - I just want to create a costume for TikTok - eventually I would like to create a Mando-Merc approved costume (but that is definitely going to take time) - the helmet I have picked out is from Amazon - but it’s one of those Halloween style helmets - I’m not sure where to start when it comes time to get costume pieces - I’m not too crafty when it comes to armor building so I’ll probably end up buying pieces from people - I will for sure check out these links you’ve provided - thank you so much for helping me move in the right direction
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