Two part question about armor

Zurath Kodul

Active Hunter
Question #1:
Is it a cliche to have wepons match the paint scheme of armor?

I just thought of this as I was adding some red to my black handgun so it would stand out a bit against my armor.
I have most of my arsenal with black as the base color and red details. The only thing that steers away from this is my silver hilted, red bladed saber (the $7 toy from wal*mart).

Question #2:
How do some of you guys get your girlfriends to armor up? I'm trying to get mine to Mandalorian for Halloween, but she won't do it. What would be the best way of convincing her?

1.) I always found it a bit cliche to have matching armor and weapons; weapons are usually black, which goes with pretty much anything.

2.) All I can say is "Good Luck;" my own girlfriend refuses as well. She dressed up as a Jedi for one Con, and absolutely detested stopping for constant pictures. She refuses to do any more costumes.
For yours, I'd suggest bargaining; tell her that if she armor's up like a Mandalorian, you'll do something for her. Whatever she wants. That's the best advice I can give.

1) Yes, weapons rarely are any other colours save black, chrome, gun metal blue or in the case of some military weapons have green parts on them.

2) As to your girlfriend don't try and force her. Given time she may see you out and about at events ect and get the bug that way, but otherwise you don't stand much of a chance if she's already said no.
My comment is to your second question. I've tried to get my fiance to go in costume but she flat out refuses to, so I don't push the issue. If you ask more than a few times and the answer is the same, my advice is don't give up, but don't pester. There are some fights a Mando just can't win.
Question #1:
Is it a cliche to have wepons match the paint scheme of armor?

Question #2:
How do some of you guys get your girlfriends to armor up?

Answer #1 - Yes.

Answer #2 - You can't make a woman do anything... :lol:
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1) You can't go wrong with flat black on a weapon. Chrome if you want to be pimp about it.

2) My GF thinks I'm fraking nuts dressing up... whether it be the Mando - or anything else - save 1 costume --- my Praetorian/Roman soldier. She has a slave princess outfit she'll wear with that because its sexy. Otherwise... forget it. She thinks I'm a nutball.
Answer to number 2....make her jealous...let her see you get pics with other girls. Than she will dress up and not leave your side...or she will say your not allowed to go out dressed up that point you say well, there's my passion for costuming and for you...decisions, decisions, in the end she will prob dump you and than you can costume all you want! You may be single again, but that leaves ya open for more! They say chicks dig guys in armor! ROFL!!!!

Otherwise I'd say to her well that's fine you don't have to dress up, that way you still have glad she let's ya costume.
Well, she already told me I cant wear my armor with her little bro on halloween, but I'm going to anyway if he does the vader costume.

I like the jealousy angle, might try that. Of course it could backfire like you said and I end up with 2...........meh, I'll take what comes.
Lol, my last GF dumped me for being too nice about 2 or so years ago rofl! She never got to see the costuming side of me.
I don't mind, it's still partially on topic.

MY girlfriend can stand me having the old bionicles, DBZ/DBGT, and SW figures, but she thinks it's stupid to have the armor. And everytime I talk to my parents or friends about the 501st, they ignore me!!

How can I convince one of my friends that the 501st is cool? He thinks that it's just a bunch of 40+ year-old guys living in their parents' basement wearing halloween costumes to the movies (I think that's what he said).

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