Triple FPH2 ESB paint up


Active Hunter

As noted in the title, doing a triple FPH2 ESB paint up, one for a future sale, one for a member here (Shenphong), and one for myself.
So, I made and shared a video on Facebook of me putting down that RLM layer and unmasking it if anyone is interested. (public so you don't need an account or friendship to view, just skip to 3 minutes in) It can be found here:

I'm finishing up some details on some gauntlets and then starting the detailing of silver damage on the rear panels, stay tuned!
Thanks rnbuda! I got lazy and freehanded the grey on the left panel. It's dark out already so you only get a placeholder crap indoor pic lol


Just realized I also forgot the bottom ridge of it, I'll go over that before I hit the right panel
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