The Boba Fett Suit Fact Files

The facts described here are how I see all this and I might be wrong. Some of the informations are from this forum while other things are my (I hope) logical deductions. The whole purpose of this is not to be a one-man-work, but instead a well defined group project.
You've been warned...

(There is another weird thing: this touring suit from 1981 (with the PrePro #1 helmet) has unknown armor scratches which logically can be interpreted as the 7th suit, but we know that isn't true. The scratches resemble with the Sandy armors (PP2 and Sandy) and the lack or different phisical damages. If I recall correctly, Johnston painted one, his associate/apprentice(?) painted two suits and Sandy three suits, right?. This means that this is the 3rd Sandy armor and this suit was for the ROTJ helmet while the 'new' ROTJ armor is actually the repainted ESB hero armor?)

Good thought but apparently Sandy painted (3 complete suits after the PP1 )at the same time,, and the ESB was painted by some one else to look like here work , but the paint aplication is very diffrent ; ie Sandy did alot of fading on the base colours over the silver were the ESB has a thick base green with what look quite solid colour under it , with fading on top
From the info Ive been able to gather it seems that the ESB suit and helmet was painted as a stand in for the PP3 suit (who painted the PP3 is still not totally known but the work is very simlar to most of theother suits) and for some reason (posibly the person who was in charge of painting the ESB suit was involved in the filming, there for put there work in (the stand in ) insted of having the original intend suit go in ,
Yeah, I know! But there is no concrete info on when it was painted, then modified. Maybe July-August of 1978, right after the Supertrooper presentation at Lucas' house.
For sure sorry I reads the text under the PPeye and thought you were saying that thepp 1 was the first time it as seen,,sorry I was quick to post

Just great to see that some people are totally in to the whole history , and I also have an intest and find it facinating trying to find out the wholestory, as there art works really
That suit from 1981 with the PP1 helmet IS the 3rd Sandy armor made for the ROTJ helmet (?) (as I said it in the first post, and even did example with images). From the discussions between Art Andrews and Tyler Durden I understand that the PP1 and possibly the PP3 was painted by Johnston, the ESB by one of his apprentice, while the other three were painted by Sandy. The ESB suit was painted using the PP1 or PP3 as an example and not Sandy's armors (it's a huge difference between the 'Johnston" and the 'Sandy' armors):

Johnston Armor 2.jpg Sandy Armor 2.jpg ROTJ v2 Armor 2.jpg
This looks like a Woman who loves her work ,(first painted Fett costume yes JJ changed it and repained a few of the chest armour parts and changed the eyes so it looked more cobled together but he didnt paint the costume)Boba-Fett-Costume-First-Prototype-Sand-Dhuyvetter-01.jpgLots of the old facts were speculations , (and many new ones are to but there is a chance thats not how it actually happened)

but I may be totally wrong
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In the recipt of the super trooper parts the gaunts are said to be that way,(ie sign righting on right gauntlet) so its actually very likly that thats the way they were ment to be worn
the drawings show that u are right the rocket was supposed to be on the right, just probably didnt wear very well with the flame thrower on the inside like that and they swapped it around
This looks like a Woman who loves her work ,(first painted Fett costume yes JJ changed it and repained a few of the chest armour parts and changed the eyes so it looked more cobled together but he didnt paint the costume)View attachment 55285Lots of the old facts were speculations , (and many new ones are to but there is a chance thats not how it actually happened)

but I may be totally wrong

If she painted the early PP1 helmet (the one with the eagle eyes) why is she with the PrePro #1 v2? Too much mistery...
Whats you opinion on the left shoulder on the PP1...It doesnt look like it in the color pics that the PP1 had the pre pro left shoulder decal but the ROTJ one on the PP3 possibly? Based on the dark misting on the front of the left shoulder, and the right shoulder looks to be the same one as well...but in the black and white its not the same shoulder as its the PP2 shoulder. What do you think about that Rafal?
The Pre-Pro #1 has (had) the prepro shoulder decal (the same bird-like decal as the Pre-Pro #2 and Sandy) best visible on these images:

Boba-Fett-Costume-First-Prototype-San-Anselmo-Parade-03a.jpg Boba-Fett-Costume-First-Prototype-16.jpg Boba-Fett-Costume-First-Prototype-Assembly-02a.jpg

The Pre-Pro #1, the Pre-Pro #3 and the ESB armors looks almost the same because when they painted the Pre-Pro #3 and the ESB armors they used the Pre-Pro #1 as a template, except that the Pre-Pro #3 uses the Pre-Pro #1 Gauntlets and Jetpack.

Johnston Shoulder Compare.jpg

Some comparison images can be found here All Boba Fett Chest And Shoulder Decals.
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I think the RotJ V.2 should be called Hero RotJ, and the MoM one (because of the right chest plate) must be called MoM RotJ or Stunt RotJ.
Awesome resources. Thanks for gathering all that!

Thanks for the compliments! I just compiled all the resurces that can be found here at TDH, in all the SW books I have and from the internet.

I think the RotJ V.2 should be called Hero RotJ, and the MoM one (because of the right chest plate) must be called MoM RotJ or Stunt RotJ.

Again, you are right! But the fact that we never saw the ROTJ v.1 armor with the ROTJ hero helmet (I hope that images of this suit exist in the LFL archives and will surface in the near future) made me to name the ROTJ suits with v.1 and v.2. I can't say that the v.1 armor is a ROTJ preproduction because this suit was made before ESB (and possibly for publicity purposes).
The side pouches from the MoM exhibit are also the Hero ones from RotJ.

What is the new "new"? You found the ESB jetpack or what? :D
The side pouches from the MoM exhibit are also the Hero ones from RotJ.

What is the new "new"? You found the ESB jetpack or what? :D

All the soft parts from those exibits (MoM, DaG and SWtE) are the original ROTJ hero parts, I just didn't put an arrow on each part. And I missed to say that the original ROTJ Hero jetpack is the one in the AoSW and CIV exibits.

And that "new" is about how the ROTJ 'ruined' (almost) all the 'Johnston' (or twin) armors.
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