My Life-sized 1979 Boba Fett Kenner Action Figure Project

Trying to test some paint options, having a hard time finding the MB Trout color, so I picked up a few other brands / colors. I completely abandoned the grey for obvious reasons. The French Blue was too blue, so I'm leaning towards the Rustoleum Slate Blue. It's still a tad too blue, but I like that it's a darker blue rather than a lighter blue.

And after looking at my original vintage figure, I also decided on going with a Satin finish. The original figure is a bit glossy, but I think at this scale it's too much. I also didn't want to go with Flat.

I'm gonna look at a few other color options before I start painting everything.



OK, I think I found my final color. It's going to be difficult to get to the original color with rattle cans, but I found this can at Lowes that I somehow previously overlooked; Satin Midnight Garden.


It's still not the best, but I like it more than the Slate Blue as it's a little less "blue" and more grey. The picture is not the greatest, but I think you get the point. It's a little darker than I'd hoped, but I'll take it darker over the blue hue.


I'll repaint the feet tomorrow and start on the other pieces.
I think that color looks quite good! Depending on which vintage Fett figure you pick up, it might be that dark, might be lighter, might be bluer, might be you're pretty safe. Completely agree that the gloss is not the way to go. The Gentle Giant life size monument is glossy and I've seen it in person a few times and it just doesn't look right at that scale. I think satin is a great choice.
So I told myself a few years ago after finishing my Shoretrooper project that I wouldn't ever use Montana Black / Gold paints again. I just had too many problems with them. Well here I am once again struggling with these paints. Maybe it's an Arizona thing, maybe the heat, maybe they've sat too long, who knows. All I can say is I am done with those paints for good, don't care how great their colors are.

This was my third attempt at painting this piece, had to re-sand it twice. The spatter was ridiculous, as was the finish, felt like un-sanded filler primer. On a project like this I have no intentions of sanding the top coat then clear coating, so I guess these heavily pigmented paints just aren't for me.


I tried everything customer service recommended: shake for 5 minutes, shake for 10 minutes, clean and replace the cap, place the can in a tub of warm water, bring the can to room temperature, place the can in direct sunlight, shake the can while hopping on one foot while facing a southeasterly thanks. I'm done.

My paint of choice is Krylon, but the color I was after couldn't be found. I found this new brand at Michael's, never seen it before. The color was a little lighter than I was after, but I figured I'd give it a shot. The color is called Extra Guacamole.


It doesn't look quite as light in person, but to be honest, I'll probably go with another color, just need to find one.


Also at Michael's I found this other brand of paint, never used it before, so I bought the color "Volcano" for the knees, shoulders, and gauntlet.


Looks like this company may be trying to appeal to MB customers, so far I like it. Nice coverage, easy to spray, also heavily pigmented but not difficult to use, and they have some great colors.


I just went with Krylon Satin Burgundy for the other gauntlet and will also use that on the helmet.


Also went with a Krylon Blue for the jetpack, a little darker than I wanted, but I think the frustration of finding colors I like got to me a little so I had to make some changes.


But it's starting to come together................
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Yeah, Montana can be frustrating. I had pretty good luck with it in Indiana in the late winter/early spring in my garage. Probably 55 degrees...which I'm guessing you don't have in Arizona. Colors look pretty good to me! That blue/grey you've got for the body looks really good!
I like Colorshot but it smells...odd coming out of the can.
Yes it does unfortunately, same with the Ironlak. I did find another green color that I'll post shortly, I didn't see it at Michaels, but it's an Ironlak color I found at Hobby Lobby. Not a perfect match to MB, but close enough.
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I have so many projects going on right now, but it feels good to make progress on this. The brown color is a little darker than I would have liked, but I had some on hand and just used what was left. I'm real pleased with the body color and the yellow. Getting closer to being done..........

Managed to get just a little more done on this. For the helmet, I didn't want the cheeks and visor to be brown like the action figure. I think at this scale it just wouldn't look right, so I cheated and decided to make the visor black and the cheeks blue. I figured the cheeks could be blue going with the theme that when the figure was made, they tried to stick with colors already in use, and since I used this blue on the jetpack, why not. Just need to let it dry and do the burgundy color last.


Also got the shoulder bells done, really love this "Volcano" color.............


So the color below on the left was the Ironlak color called "Guacamole" that I wanted to use in place of the MB. Once I sprayed this, I realized it wouldn't work because it's much darker than it appears on the can (I forgot to take a color of the test piece).


So, I reluctantly decided to try the MB one more time. I actually used the nozzle that came on the Ironlak can and got a better result. I still don't like the physical texture of the finish, but once this dries I'm going to give it a Satin clear coat. I just need this to work one more time on the the other chest armor pieces and collar piece.


The picture makes this color look brighter than it actually is under this lighting.
I agree on the brown cheeks not looking right at that scale. I ended up going with a MB color called Vampirella, which was a very deep purple that is almost black. I like the blue you used as well, although looking closely at my original Kenner figure, I do think they used the brown from the belt and pouches. Looking good!
I agree on the brown cheeks not looking right at that scale. I ended up going with a MB color called Vampirella, which was a very deep purple that is almost black. I like the blue you used as well, although looking closely at my original Kenner figure, I do think they used the brown from the belt and pouches. Looking good!
I was so tempted to use the brown on the helmet to stay true to the original, but just thought it wouldn't look right. And I didn't really want to go through the hassle of repainting those parts if I didn't like it!
Seems like it's taken forever to get to this point with so many projects in the works, but in the home stretch now. I did a Satin clear coat over all the MG green to keep the finish consistent with the rest of the figure. I just need to finish gluing the arms together, painting the blaster, mounting the jetpack, and finish painting the maroon on the helmet mandibles. I forgot to tape off the section of the chest armor where Fett's LEDs would be (so that it matches the blue of the body), but overall I'm real pleased with how this is looking...............

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