My Life-sized 1979 Boba Fett Kenner Action Figure Project

I wanted to share a piece of information while the paint is drying on the blaster and helmet, maybe this will help anyone who intends on tackling this project. Initially I thought maybe I messed up somewhere, because I didn't see any way to attach the legs to the pelvis once I glued the connectors into the leg cavity. There just wasn't enough clearance between the top of the legs and the waist, so I'm glad I tested this before assembling the legs.

My workaround was to increase the size of the leg connectors, I think I went 101% (this will obviously depend on the tolerances of your printer). This way I could use friction to keep the connectors attached securely to the leg cavity without glue, giving me a non-permanent way of attaching the legs. For about $3 I also added the below bolts to apply pressure to the connectors so they can't fall out. It's a bit of an overkill, but I didn't want to risk bumping into this and having one of the connectors dislodge, a leg coming off, and causing the whole thing to fall.

I would love if the original designer changed this from a twist-lock attachment to a post that screws into the leg cavity instead of gluing it in.

Anyway, here's a pic looking down inside the pelvis cavity. Hope it helps...........

Since I've been asked on more than one occasion what spray paint colors I used, I'll note them here along with where I found them.............

Main Body / Helmet / Jetpack - Krylon Satin "Midnight Garden" - Lowes

Right Gauntlet / Helmet Mandibles - Krylon Satin "Burgundy" - Lowes

Left Gauntlet / Shoulder & Knee Armor - Ironlak Gloss "Volcano" (finished with Krylon Satin Clear) - Michael's

Armor - Montana Gold "Reed" (finished with Krylon Satin Clear) - Blick Art Supply

Belts and Pouches - Ace Hardware Satin "Chocolate Brown" - Ace Hardware

Helmet Cheeks / Jetpack Panels - Rustoleum Satin "Midnight Blue" - Walmart

Rocket / Rocket Plunger & Lever - Behr Gloss "No More Drama" (finished with Krylon Satin Clear) - Home Depot

Blaster / Helmet Visor - Krylon Satin "Black" - Lowes

Obviously not the only colors you can use, but these worked well for me. Hope it helps.............
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