My Life-Sized 1978 Stormtrooper Kenner Action Figure Project


Active Hunter
Since I shared at peek at my Vader project, might as well share this one as well! One of my top 3 figures when I was a kid, so this one had to be done next. When finished, he'll stand just a tad under 6 feet tall. This was designed with scans directly from a vintage action figure.

One of the coolest features about this figure is the helmet is removable and designed to hide the same neck post that is being used on my Luke and Han figures, so the heads can be swapped onto this body! Or, if you want, you can permanently glue the helmet on. I have future aspirations to make a helmet that will fit over Luke and Han's head, but I also want to make a kit that includes a DLT-19 rifle, shoulder pauldron, and a backpack so the figure can be converted to a Sandtrooper (even though we didn't get a Sandtrooper figure until the mid 90s). All in due time......

I'm working on finishing my Luke now, and my printer is grinding away on Vader, but this is up next.





Luke trooper.png
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