TDH Ad in the Star Wars Insider

Art Andrews

Community Founder
Community Staff
Fellow TDHers,

Following on the heels of the JB project is a very exciting announcement that has been over 6 months in the making! Thanks to the very hard work and perseverance of our very own Bubba Fett, we have secured a two page spread in issue #104 of the Star Wars Insider to use as we see fit (with LFL having final approval of course). While we are getting a fantastic deal, the cost is still fairly substantial. In an effort to offset part of the cost and to give our members a chance to participate, we are going to offer a number of slots within the ad to display pictures of YOUR costume. There will be between 9 and 12 slots available and the cost per slot will be between $100 and $125. We are not sure how much interest there will be but if there is more people who sign up than we have slots, we will make the final decision on which images to use in the ad based on the costumes we feel will best represent TDH.

So who is elligable? Any Boba Fett, Jango Fett, Zam Wesell, or Dented Variant. We will most likely lean heavily toward Boba Fett variations (SE, Jedi, ESB, etc), with a sprinkling of the other costumes thrown in as well.

If you are interested in having your picture in the Insider you will need to meet two stipulations:

-Have a GOOD hi res shot of yourself in costume (doesn't need to be a studio shot but we can't work with a thumbnail sized image taken in a super dark setting).

-Be willing to pay between $100-$125 to have your costume included.

If you would like to sign up for a slot, please PM me. We will not be taking money until a final design is created and we have made the final cut in regard to whose images will be used.

This is a really awesome opportunity for us to share our love for Fett and our board with the greater Star Wars community. Hopefully this will bring new members and new talent to the board!

List of potential members to be in ad:
Lucksy31 - Email Received
hansoloway - Email Received
TR 4059
Jimmy BufFETT
Commander Voltaire
NovallTalon - Email Received
Halo_1 - Email Received
The Clone Emperor
Gator Fett - Email Received
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BTW, if anyone is interested in doing this but doesn't feel they have a good picture to submit, I will be glad to try to give you a few tips on how to take a better photo.
Wow. I have never been so popular in my whole life!!! Looks like we are easily going to have more entries than slots.... so, if you aren't in this ad... who knows, perhaps we can run a second at a later date and get more members featured!

Also, at this point I want to say that I will NOT be making the final determinations on who will be in the ad and who will not (playing it smart so I can't be accused of favoritism). Instead, I am going to assign 3 people to make these determinations based solely on the images submitted. These will be people who do not have a Fett suit and donot know the people at TDH. I will give them all of the pictures and just tell them we need x bobas, x jangos, x zams, x variants. From there, it will be their consensous based on what they feel looks best.
Instead, I am going to assign 3 people to make these determinations based solely on the images submitted. These will be people who do not have a Fett suit and donot know the people at TDH. I will give them all of the pictures and just tell them we need x bobas, x jangos, x zams, x variants. From there, it will be their consensous based on what they feel looks best.

great idea, a committee made entirely of clones of you then? genius! :thumbsup:

nah but all serious, good idea, mostly cause it's people who dont know of TDH that this ad will be for

..wish i had known about TDH along time ago, i'd maybe have a full boba by now:facepalm
I knew the moment you put this thread up you were about to be the most popular Guy on this board ...:lol:

Good luck to all entries... Darthmiller will be taking shots of his today.. so count his in:thumbsup:
great idea, a committee made entirely of clones of you then? genius! :thumbsup:

Ohhh... that was so mean! It isn't my fault I don't have a complete suit or even a partial suit or even..... yeah... sigh... don't pick on the guy without a suit!!! :lol:lol::lol: Hey... at least you guys don't have to worry about me throwing my name in the hat. I don't have any pics except me in other people's suits!!!
Art, what about this photo? :lol:


For those who do not know, this is BobaFettish's armor and not Art's.
If there is anyone in the SF Bay Area that needs it I might be able to help by taking some pics for this. Looks like the slots are pretty full at this point, but just in case...
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