Superjedi's ESB to SE for hvacdon

The red band is going well. Here are the before and after shots of the left side. Changes are subtle here.

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Changes are a little more substantial in the central portion of the band. I did a good amount of reshaping and adding small chips.

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I'll do the right section next. Then, it's mandible time!
I finished up the red band behind the ears. . . but I forgot to take a before shot. So here's the after, lol.


Now it's on to the front portions. I began with the area in the left corner of the visor, and the left half of the "brow" above the visor.
I also did the simulated crack repair.

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Next will be the right half of the brow.
Speaking of mandibles. . . ;)
I reworked the left side this evening. Lots of adjustments and SE damage.

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I'll make a start on the right mandible tomorrow, but that one will take a little longer.
Thanks! See if you can spot the differences in this update. . . ;)

The right mandible is finished now. Whew. . . lol.
This is probably the most detail-heavy area on the whole project. Well, maybe the right rear panel, but that's debatable.

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This completes the "basic" painting. I'll go back to re-add some of the pale gray, then I'll do a couple of small tweaks to the ears.
I've also got the RF assembly in prep now. I'll add the rust spots to the stalk, then paint the topper, install a couple of dummy LEDs, and slap it together. Then the whole helmet will be finished! Hoping to have time to do everything by the end of the weekend.
WOW !! That's a lot of little detail !! You must have nerves of steel to paint that intricate !! Or you drink a lot to get that calm lol !!!
That looks so AWESOME !!! Fantastic job Eric !! Love the Pics !!
You've taken this helmet from "ok" to a work of art.......Thank You !!
PS - Like all great artist, I expect you to sign your work of art on the inside !!!
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