Spray paint, what am I doing wrong?


Active Hunter
Ok, so I am trying to weather up my armor for tomorrow and everytime I spray it with silver or black, from a distance, it just looks like little black and silver specks/dots. :(
or is that what it is supposed to look like? :facepalm

Please help.

Thanks Lynn. :)
So how far from the armor should I stand to get the right weathered effect?(screen accurate or close to it.)
Or is that the right weathered effect? :confused
Thanks again.

so there are some spots of paint on it.
at least of black. I can't really see any silver spots.
Thanks for the pic tylerdurden.
EDIT:I presume it is the same way for ESB, right? ;)

and since you have that pic up.
I asked this question in Armor, but I am not getting any replies. :(
so i'll just ask it here.
What color paint/what brand of paint is everyone else using for the yellow colored weathering effect.
Thanks. :)

No there isn't much if any silver splatter-- mostly black.
I actually have no idea about the ESB, because I have yet to see a photo detailed enough to show the paint pattern.
Can I make a suggestion..

Get yourself a "quality" can of Flat black Spray paint..

I recommend Krylons Camo-paint in flat black.

You need a good quality can of spray for a couple of good reasons...one is that the pressure is very good and when you spray it on the armor you will get a very fine mist instead of the splaters you getting now..

Save your Caps...any cap off a can of spray paint that works well for you..Save it !

Put it aside and use on different cans...sometimes the caps get clogged up..so just replace the cap w/ your lucky one !

Prop makers are very superstitious and we don't mess w/ success :)

Also if your getting to the bottom of the can..don't use it !

start w/ a brand new can..this again will help elliminate the splatering.

Another good technique is to move your can in a quick swirling pattern while spraying in bursts..This blends or shadows your paint very nicely..practice your technique a little befor starting on the armor

These suggestions have worked very well for me

Hope this helps..

Don't get discouraged
Carbon Chamber wrote:Can I make a suggestion..
You need a good quality can of spray for a couple of good reasons...one is that the pressure is very good and when you spray it on the armor you will get a very fine mist instead of the splaters you getting now..

You can get splatters from any paint can no matter what quality......

I've gotten them with Walmart ColorPlace, Krylon, Rustolium, Testors..... I have been painting for 28+ years, it is luck of the draw with the can and brand.
How about The amount of pressure your applying to the cap..

Sometimes when you press to little it spits out the paint..

Good even pressure and a little technique I think would do the trick...

Just one mans opinion...
A basic $30 single action airbrush would work well for this technique as well.It would seem,with the splatters and all, that the original prop had spray cans used on it.

caps aren'yt really special CC...:lol:

I paint graffiti and we actually PAY for special caps (we call em' tips) to paint fine lines and fat lines. However, those suck for painting actual objects. anyways, back to the paint question, Try spraying for a second before starting the spatter technique. Usually the pressure from your finger will start spatters since you haven't pushed down all the way. When you are done pull your hand away before removing pressure on the tip. This will prevent spatters on the end stroke.
Also if you take a pot of water and get it mildly hot and soak the paint can in it until it is warm it will increase the pressure and spray harder.Whatever you do,DON'T forget about it and get it too hot.
You know what else works really good for that 'Subtle' effect?

Try a Testors airbrush kit. http://www.testors.com/Product.asp?product%5fid=8814

Its cheap and works surprisingly well. All you have to do is hook this little guy up to one on the Testors air cans and voila!

BTW you can get these in the plastic model kit section of Walmart or Toys R Us.

Best advice of all is to practice on some scraps!!

Darth Flan wrote:You know what else works really good for that 'Subtle' effect?

Try a Testors airbrush kit. http://www.testors.com/Product.asp?product%5fid=8814

Its cheap and works surprisingly well. All you have to do is hook this little guy up to one on the Testors air cans and voila!

BTW you can get these in the plastic model kit section of Walmart or Toys R Us.

Best advice of all is to practice on some scraps!!


I agree. I used one to weather my jet pack.It worked great.

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