Skygunbro FETT suits Announcement


Active Hunter
HI All I have done alot of suits for people on here in the last couple years and it has been a pleasure.
I am not going to be doing the suits for a bit.....I had a person sewing for me when I got real busy and my wife couldnt handle the load as she works a full time job.
Well to make a long story short this lady that was doing alot of the sewing I caught stealing from me.
She was taking material,zippers and other supplies....was wondering why my inventory never added up.
So until my wife gets out of school in a week or so I wont be doing any suits,vests,belt bags etc.
Trust a kleptomaniac to spoil it for everyone! :angry

SGB I hope you can get back on track soon, I'd love to order an ESB suit so please post when you're ready to do another run.
Hey Jason,

Sorry to hear about that....damm shame for someone you trust to bite you on the back like that.

people.....cant just pay em to work, they gotta skim too! glad to hear u will still be making the jumps in the future!:cheers
well up to date so far it about 500.00 worth of stuff.....and thats just the stuff I know about... oh well

Geez... and I was thinking it might be about 50 bucks worth of stuff.

Seriously, I would tell her to pay for what she's stolen and if she refuses then simply call the police.

Thieves are lucky to get five hundred bucks from robbing a service station. I'd call the police even if she pays it back.
Well in a way its partly my fault for keeping half baked inventory but you wouldnt think someone you trusted would be stealing stuff from you.
Anyway we will still make stuff but its gonna be a bit like I said til my wife and I can sit down and come up with a game plan.We will probably do small runs or single suits.
ALso another thing is we are going to be doing generic suit sizes like batninja does with his vests large...etc.
I think this will work well.
I also agree you shouldn't let this go, otherwise she WILL do it again to someone else as trusting as you were!


Seriously, I would tell her to pay for what she's stolen and if she refuses then simply call the police.

Thieves are lucky to get five hundred bucks from robbing a service station. I'd call the police even if she pays it back.
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