boba fett jetpack stl help

Brail khan

Active Hunter
looking for stl files for the rotj jetpack that have the pack hollow and split into parts to print on a small printer. I have a neptune 3 pro and can only find stl files for a pack that is completely solid. any help appreciated. Thanks
ok located the hollow style stl files, I am new to printing and having trouble with the software. I am trying to cut the pack into multiple sections so i can print it in pieces on a neptune 3 pro. I have cura and orca slicer software. I am a complete noob to this type of printing and am simply trying to get the pack cut into 4 to 6 pieces to be able to print for assembly. I have no idea how to manipulate or cut the pack into sections and when i use the split object into parts section on the orca slicer the program repeatedly locks up, any help appreciated
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