
Active Hunter
Hey all I feel Kinda dumb asking this but can some people on here post some pics of them with their suits they got from me.Maybe some in full costume and some with just the suit on.
As you can imagine I gets pm's about suits all the time and one of the most asked questions is "do you have pics".. oddly enough I really dont have any "good" pics.So if some suit owners would be willing to take the time and post up some pics that would be greatly appreciated.
Good thread. I'm really interested too. Everytime I ask someone who's jumpsuit do you have, I get the answer of Skygunbro.

keep em coming
If you check out TDH image gallery under "hansoloway", that's an SGB suit. Unfortunately, due to fit hosting limitation, the resolution is kinda low.
Here's my SGB Jango Fett stuff. :cheers


SGB Jango vest "STICKY VEST":lol: :lol: remember that Jason?????


Complete as of Oct 06'. Working on 3 main upgrades now. Thanks Jason!

No ESB's:cry I'm really curious about the blue look of about a closeup of the material itself. I'm kinda finiky about my fabric selection;)

I had ordered a ROTJ jumpsuit from SGB althrough I was doing an ESB Fett. I had seen the DK Grey/Blue ESB jumpsuit and wasn't too keen on the color. So I thought it would be easier to dye the ROTJ w/ some RIT royal blue dye. Came out nicely I think. I'd like to fade it a bit more, but figure just regular use and washing will do that in time naturally.


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