Scratchbuilt collar studs...


Well-Known Hunter
What does everybody think about these? I posted pics with some things that seem to be the other popular items to use for this purpose to kind of give you an idea of their size and shape:



Any input?

200th Post :thumbsup:
TeamFett said:
Do the studs have a taper? And whats the clear thingy?

They look good. Resin?

They have a slight taper from top surface to bottom surface, but not from front side facing to rear side. Kind of a 3D trapezoid.

The clear thing is a furniture bumper (rubber foot), they come in differnet sizes, but this is the only one I had here for reference.

Yep resin. Thanks!
They were originaly made from keys from a "adding machine" not a computer key board. We had a old one at my work that "disappeared":rolleyes and the keys turned up at my house.:lol: IMO there spot on. If some one know different, please say so. And they do look very close to the ones you've made Drokkul:thumbsup:
pennywise said:
They were originaly made from keys from a "adding machine" not a computer key board. We had a old one at my work that "disappeared":rolleyes and the keys turned up at my house.:lol: IMO there spot on. If some one know different, please say so. And they do look very close to the ones you've made Drokkul:thumbsup:

Thanks! That was the look I was trying to capture. The hardest part was getting them symmetrical. It's funny I should worry about that when no one that worked on the movies did!
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