advice on collar size please


New Hunter
i mad my Armour from simtra used WOFs fantastic stencils , i printed at 105% because im a larger chap heres a rough fit of the armour ( sorry for looking miserable) does to collar look right ,in the secon pic ive erased a section , would it look better trimmed or should i leave it , the armour was just a rough fit onto the velcro on the vest


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i mad my Armour from simtra used WOFs fantastic stencils , i printed at 105% because im a larger chap heres a rough fit of the armour ( sorry for looking miserable) does to collar look right ,in the secon pic ive erased a section , would it look better trimmed or should i leave it , the armour was just a rough fit onto the velcro on the vest
THe OT Fett has a somewhat larger gap between the chest plates and the collar plate. So I would personally give it a bit more gap, but not go all out. And remember: You can always cut off more but never put anything back on :D
You could also move the rest of the armor lower on your vest, which would help. Aim for about a half inch of material showing below the ab plate.
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