RF stalk for Fang bucket?


Active Hunter
To all you Sgt Fang owners out there...

Who makes the best aluminum RF stalk for this bucket? I got one, but the head of the stalk seems way too big to mate it to the RF unit. I'd almost have to cut the RF in half and sandwich the stalk top with the halves.

I'm not looking to add servers, or working lights, or anything like that. I just want a stalk that will work well with all the parts that came in the Fang kit.


You could try contacting a member named bigkidbiggertoys for an aluminum stalk. I know he's one of the guys who makes them.
I have one of his stalks and they're great!
I think mine is one of his. The head is roughly 1" by 1" with two circular holes, and one square hole. Does that sound like what you have?
Yes, I have these in hand & they were designed to fit the Mystery helmet but will fit pretty much anything out there. They are $27.50 shipped & I can get it in the mail usually the next day. Shipping takes 1-2 weeks from Canada. Pm me for paypal info.
Thanks. As I look at my RF topper, I assume I need to cut some kind of groove into it for a stalk to sit it. Is this correct?

PM sent.
Hmm. . . my bkbt stalk is really small at the top. Just imagine setting the RF on top of the stalk like it looks in pictures of the real deal, and that's what it looks like. There's no big square extension on top.
I know the ones you're talking about, but I can't remember who made them like that. :confused
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