paint removal


New Hunter
I have a SKB helmet and Ive decided to I want to strip all the paint off and start over. The tape on the cheeks left all the residue behind and it keeps comin threw no matter how many layers I put. What should I use to take the paint off without damaging the helmet?
I have a SKB helmet and Ive decided to I want to strip all the paint off and start over. The tape on the cheeks left all the residue behind and it keeps comin threw no matter how many layers I put. What should I use to take the paint off without damaging the helmet?
Polly Scale makes a great paint stripper....:thumbsup:
I cant find the Polly Scale one anywhere. Im gonna try and sand most of it off but i just need somethin to get the rest off but wont eat my helmet. what wont destroy a SGB?
A few of us here in our Garrison have discovered that Dawn Power Dissolver does wonders at removing paint and it's safe on plastic and fiberglass. You can find it on your local grocery store's shelf near liquid dish detergent. It helps to saok the parts over night in a utility tub or sink on a dollar store dish rack. I'm currently stripping my old Jango armor to do a repaint and it's even eating through Rub 'n' Buff.

Well I do have a good question on part of the same idea. When I painted my Fett helmet, which was a lil under a year ago, I did the battle damage painted on by hand, I made the "Cat Scratch" a lil bigger than I really wanted. More or less the middle part of the claw was painted a lot higher. My problem at hand is the rest of the helm is fine by my need, but I want to just make the scratch smaller without having to repaint the dome...because I used spray paint as my coloring on the helmet, and I don't wanna see it start to react(more or less a cracking like, happened on my first set of gauntlets before I got my MoW). Is there any way you think I could I guess scrape the old stuff off? I just don't want this to turn into a huge fiascle. I just wanna shrink it down to what it should be, than I will be happy!
I tried that Dawn stuff and let it sit for about 3 hours and a lot of the paint came off without even scrubbing. it works great but it sure burns the skin after awhile
nail varnish remover (you really need to submerge the effected area in it though). Ideal for smaller parts but not may be for a bucket (unless you can fill a real bucket with it.
Yeah, there are a few warnings about wearing gloves all over the bottle. It's a very alkaline liquid, if it still burns find something acidic like vinegar or lemon juice to neutralize it.
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