Thanks again everyone ...
Money ?$?$?$? HA HA HA ... we don't need to go down that path
I know I'm in the 3k bracket too ...<font color="#FF0000"> MORE or less
Rogue Studios - Thanks Lee !! I appreciate that. We should get together sometime soon and put our heads together again ...
Well, here is the first of a set of 4-6 pics that I will be placing on my site. I had to experiment a little with the new camera, as well as lighting ect.. I'm not a photographer, but I'm pretty pleased with the results for now. As I get more experience with the in's and out's of this new camera, I'll probably retake them anyway.
These photos were taken indoors in a makeshift studio I put together in a spare room in my house. I used 4 500 watt lighting rigs, reflected off of everything but Boba in an attempt to get even light and eliminate shadows.
I used a piece of white foam core siding insulation for the backdrop, and a piece of white styrene under his feet, to get that studio feel. For the photography aficionados, I used a Canon EOS Digital Rebel, 15 feet away from the subject so I could get a 50mm focal length for the whole display. Lens aperture F/5.6, ISO-100, +0.3 exposure compensation, with no flash.
The posted pic is not actual size. It was sized down for posting. But below is a link to the full size pic, but beware, it's pretty big for those who might be on dial-up.
Again, my first real attempt in taking good photos, so go easy on me
<font color="#FF0000"> FULL SIZE IMAGE <b/>