New ROTJ Bucket - Maker comes forward with new pics...

<image src=>

It can't get any better!

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I'll have a full size Fett like that one day. It looks perfect!
It must cost a lot to get all the parts though.

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Keith wrote:

I'll have a full size Fett like that one day. It looks perfect!
It must cost a lot to get all the parts though.


Mines pushing $3000.

That looks totally AWESOME Chris!!
I knew you would replace that ESB bucket with the one that "belongs" on there.... ;)
I love the new manny and the stand set up.

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Thanks again everyone ...

Money ?$?$?$? HA HA HA ... we don't need to go down that path :lol:

I know I'm in the 3k bracket too ...<font color="#FF0000"> MORE or less :lol:

Rogue Studios - Thanks Lee !! I appreciate that. We should get together sometime soon and put our heads together again ...

Well, here is the first of a set of 4-6 pics that I will be placing on my site. I had to experiment a little with the new camera, as well as lighting ect.. I'm not a photographer, but I'm pretty pleased with the results for now. As I get more experience with the in's and out's of this new camera, I'll probably retake them anyway.

These photos were taken indoors in a makeshift studio I put together in a spare room in my house. I used 4 500 watt lighting rigs, reflected off of everything but Boba in an attempt to get even light and eliminate shadows.
I used a piece of white foam core siding insulation for the backdrop, and a piece of white styrene under his feet, to get that studio feel. For the photography aficionados, I used a Canon EOS Digital Rebel, 15 feet away from the subject so I could get a 50mm focal length for the whole display. Lens aperture F/5.6, ISO-100, +0.3 exposure compensation, with no flash.

The posted pic is not actual size. It was sized down for posting. But below is a link to the full size pic, but beware, it's pretty big for those who might be on dial-up.

Again, my first real attempt in taking good photos, so go easy on me ;)


<font color="#FF0000"> FULL SIZE IMAGE <b/>
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For not being a pro photographer, the image looks amazing. Plus all that technical stuff you wrote about your camera. That sounds like a pro to me. :D
Didn't understand camera "Tec Talk" but what a great display,the full size pic looks fantastic you can really see just how much work you have put into this project, great detail and weathering. well done.
I'm off home now to burn mine and start again.
We all respect your skills FP but why must you taunt us with your awesome Fett and now your awesome pics of your awesome Fett. Now we all have to do that good!
my god FettPride that is a fantastic shot
very clean looks awesome
damn that suits is ESPECTACULAR claro que si jamas habia visto tanta dedicacion en algo que es un hobby :D

ups sorry for el español jejejeje
:lol: Dat kamra tek tawlk dunna mean a dern thang guys I'm just learnin ... :)

TK-Fett wrote:


:lol: No, no , no ... just gauging reaction so I can decide what pics to put on my site silly :lol:

secol_FETT wrote:

... that suits is ESPECTACULAR claro que si jamas habia visto tanta dedicacion en algo que es un hobby :D

ups sorry for el español jejejeje

Que? :lol: Someone gonna translate that? :lol:

Thanks again secol_Fett ;)

Thanks again to everyone else as well ... more pics forthcoming as I play around with this camera. It's been pointed out by a few, that there wasn't enough neck showing in the other pics .. so I will be showcasing some more if no one minds too terribly ....

Thanks guys ;)

Here's an animation I whipped up before the new camera to kinda show what I planned for displaying this on my site.

This was of course before the "BUTTPLATE" was detailed ;)

Color is also off because of the old camera, but you get the idea ..


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