General New member considering Zam Wesell

So, after a bit PM's, I have the understanding that I'm thinking this a bit too hard. Sure, I'd love to make Zam's binoculars a functioning tool, but it isn't necessary. So, after I get a few more details from a sorta neighboring garrison member, I'm going to get back on the binoculars. I've been down with the flu and am just now getting back to wanting to move around again.. even if I appear to be a human shaped slug at the moment. Good thing I'm feeling better, I have some trooping to do as Leia tomorrow. I don't want to miss it!

So, today, I'm going to get my shinguards finished up (shortening them) and make preps for adjusting the chestplates. And dangit! I HAVE to make Jango guantlets for my son. Can't I just rent these somewhere?! :facepalm
Well, after a crazy October, I'm back to being able to work on this again. I'm sitting down with the binocular pieces and am going to use JB metal Weld for some of it and the JB Weld for plastic for the others. Maybe I should just craft it all out of JB?! :lol: Nawww.... Sorry about the hiatus, but so much was simply out of my hands and progress for this costume just couldn't be done till now. So, this week, I'm finishing the binoculars and attaching them, and with a bit of luck, I'll get that chest plate restructuring done as well. After that, I'll be pretty much done, minus the gauntlets. If possible, I may go back and recover an parts with lab metal for a genuine metallic appearance.

As for my rifle and pistol, my handy dandy machinist guy hasn't had time to make my scope, so plan B seems to beg an acquaintance to machine my last two parts to make this right. We'll probably owe him a favor later, but we don't mind bartering.

And unless someone has a set of gauntlets they want to throw me for $75, then I gotta wait on Santa.
Hmmm.. Santa, baby... hurry down the chimney. I'll make it worth your while for some gauntlets!:love

You guys are soooo naughty. I was talking about cookies and milk.
Okay, I promised some pictures, and I've uploaded a blue ton of WIP images of the binocular construction. Please note that mine aren't exactly like the ones people buy. This is because I didn't use the exact parts (except the binoculars) to put it together. It looks pretty darn close to me, so I'm rolling with it. I'm nearly done, and the only thing left to do is sand down around the far side parts that screw together, complete them with the ball and holder piece, blacken them and screw together the aluminum arms. Then it's done. When I get that done, I'll post a few more images.

SW Zam by silvermittt | Photobucket

I also fixed my shinguards with corset busks as fasteners; They work like a charm against costume malfunction! Just an FYI to anyone who might be having issues like I had getting snaps to work.

Also, just thought I'd show you what a master machinist likes to do in his off time -- more precision machining! LOL! The pictures are of the rifle scope being created.
Seriously, this guy is highly interested on making more Star Wars stuff if anyone is interested in having him make it. I'm going to email him pictures of things people normally want, greeblies, pistol parts, etc. If there is something in particular that alot of people are wanting, let me know in a PM and I'll send him images. After he sees some things and if he still wants to create metal parts, I'll have permission to post his name and phone number/email address in PM and whatnot.
Updated photobucket with the rest of the binocular construction. Like I said, they're not exactly right, but until I find what I want to attach them to the rods just right, I'm going with it. Also, I'm the goofiest looking Zam when I get tired. So, please be kind when you see the weird look on my face.

Uploaded several images of reworked binocular attachment to photobucket.
SW Zam by silvermittt | Photobucket



I've painted silver over the end metal to blend it with the flat aluminum bars better. I think it looks better and more like it should. FYI to anyone who can't find hollow rectangular tubing and gotta use round tubing. You need to use a small torch and heat up the metal first, or it won't bend well and will break on you instead. I squished in JB weld for metal inside the flattened tubing and placed the other ends inside. Should hold okay. Hope this helps anyone interested. :)

We're currently working on the rifle and should have images of that build this weekend. Pistol will be a while still.
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could you please tell mee were you got the files for the helmet templates i have seen the used or reffeanced in several places but have not been able to locate them
Well, I promised a rifle, and I have a rifle. :)

I reworked the brass section with wires since I didn't like that it wasn't close enough to the actual prop piece.

The only thing lacking on it is the etching on the side plates. and I'm going to do that tonight or tomorrow when my kids are at school. School was cancelled Monday due to icy road conditions and extreme low temps. Today was a delay, but at least I got it finished , for the most part. I'll update with an image when I get them done. Speaking of which, I have a ton of pictures for the different stages of this rifle. Unless you're looking to rmake a Kisteer 1284, you'll probably be bored.

SW Zam by silvermittt | Photobucket


FYI: I just received an email from MonCal. Seems their mold wasn't cutting it, so they're remaking it. Since I don't know how long it takes to do that, I'm guessing it'll be a while yet.

But hey, I at least know what's up. And, hopefully, I'll get my gauntlets before the end of Fall. Hopefully.
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