General New member considering Zam Wesell


I've been studying posts regarding this character here and at the Bounty Hunters Guilld. I probably will continue and not post alot unless I get stuck on something. Then I'll type a scream.

I do have a question that might not seem important but for me would help a great deal. I've been told I have to have a specific prada shoe. Ok, I'm down with this. But do they make it in a youth size 3 (or women's 5.5 or even men's smallest equivalent)? I have a small, small foot.
Pretty much everyone going for realistic here buys from Man of War Studios (aka Chris).

Chris told me a while ago that he will be doing a new run of shoes sometime this spring. You could contact him ( before his him...and he might be able to get the smaller size for you. Otherwise, I think a US size 9.5 (which the sizes seem a bit smaller than listed) is the normal smallest size he has.
Thank you.

LOL! Even that smallest man's shoe size will make me look like Homey the Clown! I'll keep digging around. Something is bound to come along. But I very much appreciate your help.
Thank you.

LOL! Even that smallest man's shoe size will make me look like Homey the Clown! I'll keep digging around. Something is bound to come along. But I very much appreciate your help.

Edited...Just realized you're looking for Zam Wesell shoes and not Boba Fetts. My bad.

"Cuz 9.5 size shoes on those feet......Homey don't play that."

Don't I know it. Boy's tennis shoes are so much more comfortable than nearly all womens sneakers.
The bright spot in this is that very, very soon, I'll be able to wear my daughter's Hello Kitty flats if I want to sparkle down the street.
Downside: She'll technically be able to wear MY high heels and she isn't even 9 yet! No, you bet she isn't touching high heels until she 30 (What, me overly protective?! Naw....)

I'm going to look up your suggestion right now. If I see something I can work with, I'll bookmark it for the near future. Thanks!

Offtopic: Ohhhh, I'm drooling over Van Helsing boots!!
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The smallest Prada boots I found while searching the ones for my girlfriend were european 36 or 37. From a quick research, US 3 would be somewhere near 34-35, right?
I think you'll only have two options:

1. Padding until it fits you
2. Finding shoes with a similar sole and modifying it to match

You can always post pictures of what you find and we can say if they would suitable or not.
Also, if you want to have this costume legion approved, contact your GMO and tell them about your issue. They are the ones to approve it in the end. So they should be able to tell what is needed.
Thank you for your suggestions! I'll go with #2 option. I haven't looked into the european conversion of shoe size, so I don't know what it is. But I'm betting it's about the smallest you can get before it becomes kids. :)

I have contacted several people now, some of whom were already aware of what I'm about as they've read my posts and chatted with me about it. I felt kinda silly when I realized this. But hey, at least I found out I'm in the right direction.
I have beads, and should have shoes soon. Starting little and working my way up. If I can, I'm going to get one of those bits & bobs sets from JDFett by April 3rd. Hopefully, it will still be available. Also, I have a massive paper puzzle to piece together for a helmet. Should be fun. :)

Meanwhile, I have sandals and a proto-dress to finish for a Leia ROTJ dress to finish before I go make a trip to Louisville to the Tandy shop and get leather for this and the real Leia Ewook Village dress. The latter business will have to wait till mid-April. I just love having to budget this. No wonder these costumes take the better part of a year!

Thank you, Ebay!!! Got the shoes in my size! women's 5 1/2. Can't wait for Monday!
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Local Pawn shop = Zam (Kentucky long) rifle. $60 plus tax. Gathering is the easy part.

My husband seems to have taken a personal interest in the rifle. So, I got help for this and the leatherwork. Maybe it won't take a year afterall.
Pepakura puzzles give me a numb backside. Seriously, it takes forever to cut, piece it together, and glue (drying time so you don't rip the paper, etc.) this things. Uninterrupted time: about 10-12 hours. I made an error, and after the fact it stood out as an "Oh, bugger!" moment. Fixed it, so that's why it took longer than it should have. Anyways, here's two images. Also, I have a white leather jacket coming from California soon, and it's dead-on what I need to use with minimal corrections to make the leather upper chest covering. I am planning to gather, cut and stitch it all before dyeing anything. Best to dye it all in one run I think.

So, I have gloves, hat pattern, skirt pattern, beads, shoes, and rifle (parts). I'm in the process of getting swatches from a couple of places for neoprene. Some will need dyed. Checking into all choices. Mid-April, I'll be able to buy JDFetts greeblies. Hopefully, At that time, I'll be able to go to Tandy and get lots of leather for both this and the Ewok Village dress.


I'm so happy to see recent posts on Zam stuff! Life got away from me for a bit, and I'm going to now continue my journey of creating my very own Zam! Hawaii's getting our first Comic Con in September, sooooo... that's the goal! Wish me luck, I'm practically starting from scratch!
Yeah, me too.
The only advice I can give, when it comes to things you CAN alter, go to Ebay or vintage used stuff sites and local resellers.
I got the jacket for $30 (cost &ship) & shoes for $60 (cost &ship). Got a POS rifle for $60 locally at a pawnshop. If my shoestring gets any tighter, I'll piano-wire my budget. ;) But doing so will allow me to buy certain things I really don't want to try to recreate, like the very, very detailed bits &bobs she has hanging.
Well, so far I've got boots and greeblies paid for and coming my way very soon. I think the next thing I'm going to tackle is the neoprene suit... I'm very lucky to have practically a team of costume designers that have offered to help me build this intricate suit. I think the two hardest things for me will be the suit and the helmet!
Have pm'd JDFett.

My motorcycle jacket came it a day ago.
Yesterday, we got a few needed items to recreate the rifle.
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I've got the rifle sanded down and looking for a bit of advice on molding more of of for length of the rifle. I also have all my skirt pieces cut out in nice organized stacks too. When I get a bit further on it all, I'll post more images. But here's my jacket:
I'm not even worrying about the rifle. I've got a friend that might be able to 3D print the blaster, and that's enough for me. I just bought a jacket online, so I really hope it's what I'm looking for!
Still looking for advice on molding it without damaging the finish. Here are the rifle, skirt pieces neatly bagged and ready, and a belt blank (with the one I wanted to use. DO NOT bother with store bought unless it is truly 100% leather. Buggers can lay a thin veneer leather strip on plastic and get away with calling it a leather belt!).



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