New guy and first helmet purchase


New Hunter
Hello all,
My name is Joe and I found this site after buying a Boba helmet off Ebay.
I have been a prop colector for around 4 to 5 years and collect mostly Vader and Predator stuff. I have multiple Vader helmets along with a full size ESB/ROTJ Vader costume/display. I also have quite a few predator masks and a display bust.
Any way, I bought this Boba Fett helmet off Ebay and I figured it would be a good project for me. The seller stated it was a Mystery helmet, but I think it may be a MSH2, judging by some of the threads on this forum.
Maybe the Mystery and the MSH2 are the same?
Here are pics of it that I took after I repaired some cracks that were in it when it arrived.
The cracks were running up and down from the corners of the T-Visor cut out, on both sides. :cry They were close to going all the way through, so with a little pressure you could actually bend the sides out quite a bit.

If you look at the pics of the inside of the helmet you can see darker areas where I added a few layers of fiberglass cloth to sturdy up where the cracks were.
This worked very well and I think I am ready to start cleaning up the T-visor cut and cut out the holes in the back.
Any suggestions and info on what type of helmet this is would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you,






Welcome to the board bro !

That my friend, is an original "Movie Sized Helmet" or "MSH". It is not an "MSH2".

It appears to be a legit casting, as the layup inside looks the same as the original "MSH" helmets when they were released. I'm assuming that this helmet is primered, as the "MSH" helmets were white gelcoat.

Hope that helps,

It appears to be a legit casting, as the layup inside looks the same as the original "MSH" helmets when they were released. I'm assuming that this helmet is primered, as the "MSH" helmets were white gelcoat.

Thanks for the reply! Right you are, It was white when I received it, I primered it after I fixed the cracks.

Here is a pic of it before the primer.


Welcome aboard, Sith6Sith ... blah ... that's one hell of a toung twister you got there!!!!!:lol:lol::lol: Hope you aren't disappointed with the helmet (no ... I'm not the one who sold it to you) because it looks pretty good. Which scheme were you looking you use when painting it: , , or (Prepro, ESB, or ROTJ)? Sorry I am addictied to the smilies!
Thanks all!

Hope you aren't disappointed with the helmet

No, not at all. The seller did not mention the cracks in the auction, but I was sure it wouldn't take too much to fix 'em up......And I was right.
I AM very glad it is not a re-cast, as I would never knowingly buy a re-cast.

I plan on doing an ESB paintjob on this, eventually....after a lot of reading and getting up to speed on this board.

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