Need Help Comparing my Helmet

Hey all.
So I've been working on my all aluminum ROTJ Boba Fett build for a bit now and my helmet is nearing completion along with many other things. This post is about my helmet. I don't like it. Something about it is bothering me and I don't know what it is. During the build process, I vowed not to use any filler putty and only use welds. This will work with a lot of perseverance but not for every tiny hole or crack so a bit of aluminum spot filler will correct these issues.

I tell you this because I am about to bring you all up close and personal with the helmet. You WILL see a lot of holes, cracks and imperfections. I am aware of these and the high strength aluminum putty will handle all these issues to smooth everything out and fill in gaps so please ignore and try not to cringe when you look at these images ;)

Ok so why don't I like it? Dimensionally, it doesnt seem right. I spoke to Minutefett about his aluminum ears because I wanted to see if I could use his but alas his are .5 inches too short. I purchased some plastic ears from ShortFuse to use, purely for measurements, so that I could make my own set out of aluminum. These are also too short and the angle doesnt match.

Lastly, pictures of it on my head do not look right. Granted there is no padding to raise it up a bit, or keep it on my head properly, and my nose sticks out because of it.

What did I use to make it? WizardofFlight's templates for Boba Fett's Helmet. So please, tell me. Where did I go wrong? Are Alan's blueprints and dimensions off a bit? Has anyone else had this issue? Did I assemble it improperly? Did I cut the pieces out improperly? Please tell me your thoughts and maybe I can find a way to rectify my helmet rather than starting over.......again.

I think WOF’s templates were made back 2005(?). I’m not sure where his measurements come from but it doesn’t surprise me that they don’t match Minutefetts ears, which are made to fit lineage ESB helmets. Have you looked at RafalFett’s templates?

I think WOF’s templates were made back 2005(?). I’m not sure where his measurements come from but it doesn’t surprise me that they don’t match Minutefetts ears, which are made to fit lineage ESB helmets. Have you looked at RafalFett’s templates?

No I hadn't seen this. Alan provided me with the actual drawing files or .dxf files that I was able to work with in order to make this helmet. I guess I may have to purchase a helmet to take measurements from in order to get it right. Although Rafal might see this thread and know EXACTLY what went wrong considering his expertise lol
OK here is what I got using your PDF templates. I also noticed that the mandibles are not even. I assume this is intentional due to the original prop being disproportionate? Let me know your thoughts.
Hey all.
So I've been working on my all aluminum ROTJ Boba Fett build for a bit now and my helmet is nearing completion along with many other things. This post is about my helmet. I don't like it. Something about it is bothering me and I don't know what it is. During the build process, I vowed not to use any filler putty and only use welds. This will work with a lot of perseverance but not for every tiny hole or crack so a bit of aluminum spot filler will correct these issues.

I tell you this because I am about to bring you all up close and personal with the helmet. You WILL see a lot of holes, cracks and imperfections. I am aware of these and the high strength aluminum putty will handle all these issues to smooth everything out and fill in gaps so please ignore and try not to cringe when you look at these images ;)

Ok so why don't I like it? Dimensionally, it doesnt seem right. I spoke to Minutefett about his aluminum ears because I wanted to see if I could use his but alas his are .5 inches too short. I purchased some plastic ears from ShortFuse to use, purely for measurements, so that I could make my own set out of aluminum. These are also too short and the angle doesnt match.

Lastly, pictures of it on my head do not look right. Granted there is no padding to raise it up a bit, or keep it on my head properly, and my nose sticks out because of it.

What did I use to make it? WizardofFlight's templates for Boba Fett's Helmet. So please, tell me. Where did I go wrong? Are Alan's blueprints and dimensions off a bit? Has anyone else had this issue? Did I assemble it improperly? Did I cut the pieces out improperly? Please tell me your thoughts and maybe I can find a way to rectify my helmet rather than starting over.......again.
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I hate to hear you are having issues with the helmet. I know you have put a lot of time and energy into it already. Do you think you may be able to salvage it? Is this your second one?
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