My new JD helmet VS. White and Green DP

Are you sure that middle helmet is a 95 DP??? I've never seen a 95 that warped and bad looking before. I have a green 95 DP and it looks nothing like that.

Foxbatkllr wrote:

Are you sure that middle helmet is a 95 DP??? I've never seen a 95 that warped and bad looking before. I have a green 95 DP and it looks nothing like that.

Here's mine;


It's pretty warped.So his may be warped-er(?):D
The green DP 95 got a little warm. So, it warped. The table is my case that I can put all of my Jango in. Jet Pack and all. :)
Nice collection you have there. I think I like the first one in the pic best, but then again, I could be a little bias on this issue. :lol:
You should see my 97 DP. Talk about warped. That is why I went with a fiberglass bucket. I don't think it turned out to bad with it being my 1st try at painting a bucket.
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