For Sale ROTJ Cape Greeblie - 6th Run (IN PRODUCTION)


Run #3 is officially closed!

My last Cape Greeblie just went out the door! Thank you all so much for your continued support! I expect to have Run 4 opened up here sometime in March at the end of Q1.


Run #3 is officially closed!

My last Cape Greeblie just went out the door! Thank you all so much for your continued support! I expect to have Run 4 opened up here sometime in March at the end of Q1.

Glad I slid in under the wire. For those on the fence, I just got mine and it's brilliantly done. Highly recommend!

Just wanted to let everyone know that I'm presently working on these with a time frame to have 5 more ready to go out the door by next week!
Stay Tuned!

**RUN 4 is OPEN!!**

Hello everyone!
This is to officially announce that Run 4 of my little Cape Greeblies is now open and for sale. As Boba Fett seems to be continually evolving, I have made a change for this Run 4 and that is changing out the Finishing Washers to a Flat Washer as seen in this Magic of the Myth photo....
Boba Fett - Magic of Myth.jpg

Finishing Washers to Flat Washers.jpg

This is the only thing that has changed, everything else remains the same. And here they all are ready to go to good homes!
Run 4.jpg

The price again for these is $30.00 shipping is included for Domestic United States Fett's and for the International Fett's please add on $5.00 for shipping.

Please let me know if you have any questions. If you’re ready to place your order, please remit payment to: Pay Mathieu Walsh using PayPal.Me
In the PayPal description, please include:
a) Your TDH Username:
b) Your Shipping Address:

:cool: (y)

Thank you!
Happy Friday my fellow Fett's!
Giving this sales thread a little bumpage to the top! I still have three Cape Greeblies left - ready to ship!
:cool: (y)

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