my new alluminum armor.

Yroc Yar

Active Hunter
here it is , strait off the ban saw . now i gotta figure out how to bend it to shape . any hints ?
Hold it up to your chest and give someone a hammer. Let them bang it into shape...

Seriously, couldn't an English Wheel work? I see them on those custom chopper shows. Lets you give a nice shape to metal. Just call up Jesse James.
Pretty sweet man. You may want to talk to MMM, ie. Megalomaniachalmandalore. He really knows how to shape metal. If I'm not mistaken, he uses a hammer and shapes it as HS suggests, but I'm not shure exactly how he does it. can't wait to see it shaped!:)
I have a question i have some alluminum sheets that i found lying in my house for some reason and i was thinking about makein the armor out of that, but i have one problem how do u cut the alluminum pieces out?

Eagleskull wrote:

I have a question i have some alluminum sheets that i found lying in my house for some reason and i was thinking about makein the armor out of that, but i have one problem how do u cut the alluminum pieces out?

Band saw, circular saw (carbide tip blade), or jig saw.

Keep in mind that it will be slow going as compared to wood. Al heats up and then starts binding and sticking. Cut a little then let it cool, etc.
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