General RobotZo's ESB build


I have been working on and off this build for about 6-7 years and never made a build thread, but I figure it is about time. With the arrival of my new Clothears flight suit and flak vest, this is a good time to start. I started with a lot of FP stuff as many of us have but am now in the process of phasing that out for more modern and more accurate pieces. I don't know how I will go about updating this but I will start with a couple of pics of the new flightsuit on the raggedy mannequin I have lol. Also pictured is MinuteFett photogrammetry gauntlets, an FP knee, MOW boots with MachineCraft toe spikes, and an FPH2 bucket that still needs finishing touches to the paintwork.



As I slowly start putting all the pieces that I have together, I look forward to any critique and input! With so much great stuff out there and so many great builds, what a time to be a part of this community!
Not a whole lot of progress to report here other than I got the eyelets installed on my flak vest. I am also working on my knees, but I am almost at a standstill. The MF knees I got came with some untapped knee darts, so I am curious to know how other people have gone about attaching the darts to the knees. Also the knees seen in this image are not the MF set, that is a FP set.

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Not a whole lot of progress to report here other than I got the eyelets installed on my flak vest. I am also working on my knees, but I am almost at a standstill. The MF knees I got came with some untapped knee darts, so I am curious to know how other people have gone about attaching the darts to the knees. Also the knees seen in this image are not the MF set, that is a FP set.

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You can use cold weld putty to keep the MF knee darts in place, no need to tap them
Painted the collar this weekend and I am a little on the fence about a few things. First off I used Archive X's Weyerhaeuser green and I worry that maybe it's too dark. Second I hit it with a gloss coat but it might be a bit too glossy. I see a lot of people have more of a matte look to their paintjobs but after looking at references I think the armor has some glossiness to it, just not quite the amount I have. Would love to hear some input.

I see no glossiness in the ESB reference photos, it looks a bit dark, I'd mist some lark light grey and personally, I would not add a gloss coat to anything on ESB
I see no glossiness in the ESB reference photos, it looks a bit dark, I'd mist some lark light grey and personally, I would not add a gloss coat to anything on ESB
These specific images make me think there is a little bit of glossiness to it. I don't believe that a matte finish would capture this much light and reflect so brilliantly. It might not be a high gloss but there is definitely something there in my opinion. I might still hit it with some light great to lighten it up.

Matte paint will still have very slight /shine reflection in certain bright lighting, I'm sure that's what you're seeing. I would get rid of the gloss. Keep in mind some of the slight shine can also be from the armor being handled. Example, if you ever seen a matte colored guitar, it has areas that have slight shine from it being used in certain areas.
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