Bobamannen’s ESB build


New Hunter
I've started working on a costume based on Boba Fett from The Empire Strikes Back in 2023. Im working my way towards an approved costume by the 501st standards. Here's my progress and acquisitions:

Already Purchased:
  • Boba Fett helmet from Minutefett painted by NIXFXprops
  • Rangefinder topper from Terminal fettler
  • Hollow stalk from MCR
  • Lighkit rangefinder from JC27

  • EE-3 ESB blaster from Andy Meyers Video of the EE-3 ESB

  • Pulce-40 from Andy Meyers (metal rod tip to be removed)
  • Pulce-40 holster from Bobamaker.

  • Jet pack bought 2nd hand.

  • Boba Fett jetpack harness
  • US diver replica buckle from full metal fett

  • Gauntlets from Minutefett

  • Gloves from Clothears

  • Leather ammo belt from Grue/Handmadehorrorshop
  • Nimrod replica holster from Bobamaker

  • Girth belth by ReGeeked Props

  • Aluminum flamethrower for gauntlet from Minutefett
  • Metal ears from Minutefett
    Metal ears by Minutefett.JPG472767978_597646393217319_8737739120675510255_n.jpg472918307_615912534312849_3355764746108630850_n.jpg
  • Paterson squege and chemical mixer for the shin tools
  • Mystery 4th shin tool from Minutefett

  • Boba Fett shoes from Wasted fett
In the Mail or Under Production:
  • Boba fett ESB armor from Minutefett
  • Flight suit with neckseal sewn on and vest from Arkady, grommets installed by Minutefett
  • Braids from Woody bought 2nd hand.
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Is your armor already painted? it's tough to see the flight suit due to the photo being too dark. What does the jetpack look like? Showing detail in the photos is key for getting assistance/input from everyone =)
Is your armor already painted? it's tough to see the flight suit due to the photo being too dark. What does the jetpack look like? Showing detail in the photos is key for getting assistance/input from everyone =)
Thanks for taking the time to read through. The armor is all painted; we're just waiting on Mike to finish up the gauntlets. The flight suit needs another round of weathering as there's a bit too much on it at the moment. Fortunately, it's washable. I've added more photos of the jet pack. here are some pictures of the flight suit.
WIP from The Workshop.. Still waiting on the parts:(


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Update from Norway:

I've made progress on my project with some new materials and parts from The Workshop. There's still a bit of work needed to make everything perfect, but here's where things stand:
  • Materials Acquired: I picked up 3,5 mm jacks, 16mm PVC hose and 12mm electrical wire to work with.

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  • Orders and Supplies: I’ve ordered additional items from AliExpress, including 12mm grommets, nylon bolts, nylon nuts, and washers to attach the armor to the vest.

  • Gauntlet Modifications: I've been working on the gauntlets, installing new 3.5mm jack connectors (both male and female).

  • Armor Enhancements: The knee armor now has attached darts and elastic bands. I also gave the bands a weathered look to make them dirty acc. 501st crl.

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  • Shin Tool Construction: I’ve begun work on the shin tool and am currently waiting for a chemical stirrer and a Patterson squeegee to proceed further.

  • WIP CUCblack and MOW Capes :I roughly cut out the pieces as good as I could. They aren't perfect, but they're acceptable for now. I spent some time weathering the cape from CUCblack Props, and just before receiving the MOW cape in the mail. The MOW cape, especially since it's made of wool, was particularly challenging to weather!
  • Lightkits: I have installed the JC27 light kit in my jetpack and rangefinder topper. Video
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I'm currently on sick leave for the next six weeks due to surgery recovery, so I'm unable to do any heavy physical work around the house. I've decided to dedicate this time to my ESB Boba Fett project. Here's what I accomplished today:
  • Whipcord Housing: I arranged for someone to print a new whipcord housing using Cantina Dude's free file, which will be paired with the MCR whipcord cylinder. The next step is to order a set of dental files.
  • Strap Work: I sewed white elastic straps onto the plastic clips.
  • Girth Belt Modifications: I replaced the leather straps on the girth belt with accurate 1-inch nylon straps, following the secure method guide by jbdubz.
I'm glad you got your stuff back! Looking forward to the build now!
Thanks! Around August 10th, I will start attaching the bolts to the armor and the grommets to the vests. I’m waiting excitedly for their arrival to continue the build! On Thursday, the squeegee and the chemical stirrer are set to arrive, so I’ll have something to work with. I ordered these from Hong Kong to my US address, and then from the US to Norway (Shipping to the US was 0 USD, meanwhile to Norway 53 USD). :p
The chemical stirrer and squeegee arrived today. Here are some WIP photos and the finished shin tools. I'm a bit uncertain if I should weather the entire sonic beam weapon or just the part that sticks out of the pocket(?).


WIP update for today! I drilled holes in the cod and kidney pieces. The piece is a tight fit, so I might need to hit the gym more often, lol. I painted the studs a more grey color instead of white.
I'm still unsure about the exact colors since the CRL only provides this;
''Codpiece appears to connect to the kidney plate on the sides via 2 square studs, identical in shape/size to the shoulder studs.
The studs may be functional connectors or decorative. If the studs are not the functional connection between cod and kidney, no other attachment method may be visible. '' I still have some spares unpainted luckily :)
The shin tools are now complete and have been weathered appropriately. For the fourth shin tool, I'll use the MOW version until Minutefett's new 4th shin tool arrives.
The last task of the day was drilling holes in the studs to attach them to the collar and backplate. I definitely didn't enjoy drilling into the armor!

I need to get a longer bolt for the stud where the cape attaches; I barely managed to fit the MOW cape on.
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Dress up time!
Today, I dresed up my mannequin. It's worth noting that my mannequin is slimmer and taller than I am, so it doesn't quite match my measurements perfectly. Consequently, I didn't bother with the precise strapping on the girth belt, since the fit was off anyway.
I'm a bit worried that the collar armor might rub against my throat since it's too tight. To fix this, I might have to resew the white strap, making it shorter to tighten it and redistribute the pressure.

Here's how the outfit looks on the mannequin:
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As you can see, it's a bit loose, but you can still get an idea of the overall look. I'm currently waiting for the arrival of the whipcord, nylon bolts for attachment for the armor, and grommets.

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