My 1:6 Boba Helmet Project


New Hunter
I've been wanting a custom 1:6 Boba for my display cabinet for awhile now, but instead of having him wearing his ESB (my favorite version) I wanted to have him in a 3-piece suit holding his EE-3. I found a seller on eBay that does 1:6 resin casts of different SW characters so I bought his Boba version. Got to work on it last week and finished it up last night. While it's nowhere near film accurate, I was happy with the overall finish!

Boba Tiny Helmet_1.jpg Boba Tiny Helmet_5.jpg Boba Tiny Helmet_7.jpg Boba Tiny Helmet_9.jpg Boba Tiny Helmet_11.jpg Boba Tiny Helmet_16.jpg Boba Tiny Helmet_18.jpg
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