Motts Bucket Build


Hi all so I've wanted a Boba Fett costume for a long time..prolly since I got that little cardboard box with a certain plastic figure lurking inside such a long time ago (yes I still have him)

Anyway here's where I am at


I originally starting my journey into making a Boba style helmet with Rafaels Amazing plans during lockdown and got as far as printing cutting and covering the cardboard with a little too much filler and lost interest.

This past month I got the helmet out to find its's full of mold broken and distorted so a new plan was hatched.


So there's a great Industrial estate near me that chucks away vast quantities of scrap metal into open skips,they make Air con units and duct boxes and said I could have a rummage.
The idea was to build an R2 Unit..but a year later the twisted metal sheets sat in the cellar waiting patiently until the kids said...

"Fancy this years ComicCon in London"

And it ignited a switch..

I realise I've gone in hard and deep but my thought process is a sturdy costume that can both take a beating and last a few years.
I'm not sure if it's going to be full on Boba a variant or my name sake.
I don't have fancy tools so hope if anything this inspires others to try metal as an option especially as cintra isn't easy to find round these parts for some reason.

Rafaels (Awesome) templates..




The Downside of Tin snips is the effort to cut, I'm using 1mm thick metal sheets..

Am I mad ?
It could all end in tears ?
Let me know your thoughts and any suggestions welcomed.
Coming from a Dental background I have precision motors and polishing equipment oh and a Arc welder which I used many moons ago restoring classic cars but that's another lifetime..


Fingers now recovered..
I cut out the Cod piece wraparound section last week.
Ive tried it on for fit and still deciding how it will open and be secured if needs be to Flight Suit. Guessing the point will need to go to avoid accidents..


Made a start on Gauntletts and got the rough shape using a PVC pipe but that might change later on..


Flight Suit arrived well boiler suits that I'm planning on altering changing the pockets etc.
My list of items seems to be growing and growing..

Oh and then there's this..


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Flightsuit seems a little dark for my liking but will give me something to practice on..
I will try to bleach it back in stages at some point.
Material for Flac looks great I just need to make it.
Having a go at the sintra parts for the Gauntletts.
I think I need cynacrylate activator as the bicarb is OK but not brilliant.


But it's a start..

I think the PVC is a bit too thin so I can make my life harder or just get thicker material.
I've had to add supports just to be able to work on this piece


Edit: After leaving it for twenty minutes it's surprisingly rigid.

Having a play with Alluminium too..
It's for an idea of creating real world scuffs for another mini project..

As well as duplicating these fellas for another project..

Maybe I should retitled thread

A Series of Unfortunate Events..

Whilst roughly cutting out the pieces whilst watching The Martian Chronicles and throwing it together I realised I was opening myself up to a ton of potential problems in the future with shaping. In my mind I was going to rivit every piece but realised by the time I'd done that and then filled smoothed everything over the metal surface would be covered..

Back to the PVC I think as some of the shapes will need altering.

EDIT: Just noticed the whistling birds are facing the wrong way!!
That could be painful!
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Finally got the hang after re gigging a few templates as I'm not needing bends and folds.

PVC worked well and pretty sturdy.
Scraped pvc and went back to metal..
Things are starting to come together but certainly won't be completed by next week's con but will see how far we get.

Flight Suit made tonight, still needs pockets.
Gauntlets both constructed need tidying up and painted.
Cod piece needs painting
Chest plates painting
s.. If I get the chance.
Helmet sanded filled needs painting.
Jet pack not this con that's for sure.

The main thing is im having fun and learning new skills and taking the kids to something they love doing.
Made some knees yesterday, all sanded and ready for some paint

Pre sanded.

For a first go and two days left I'm happy with these.
I have rocket/darts to attatch after paint.

New metal stalk and motion activated rangefinder fitted earlier.
Had a bit of a mare with contact cement, must have gone off as wasnt sticking anything..
Not taking my EE blaster as it's almost all metal so grabbed an old Clone rifle and sprayed it to match.


Literally spent last few days in a Boba haze but the lovely wife came up trumps not only with the flight suit but also adjustment of a Flack jacket..

All boxed up and off to London for the weekend Con.

I may end up kipping in a corner.

Just finished tinting visor it's OK but will rip out later.
First day and it's pretty much held together.
The range finder really needs a washer as it pulled out at one point.
The boots well they are sligthly mullered but it was a quick job to tide me over..
But the Con was great and got some nice comments which was appreciated.


And had the odd photo op..
A month or so on and started to refine my Holiday Fett..
A bit more weathering to the helmet and new visor I curved from an Acrylic sheet.
The Canary yellow bothered me so have toned it with a Sunburnt orange but needs a wash of some kind, prolly a black wash A few adjustments to the metal plates but want bullet/laser damage.. God I love my metal Armour it can take a real beating.
I need to te make the Ammo belt I knocked up the night before my first Con with him and the EE-3 blaster is back on the bench after the dogs took a liking to the handle.. Patina right?

Here's where I'm at, it's on a female dummy at the moment so out of alinement but you get the idea.


Thinking of duplicating the gauntlets to make another Mandalorian next year and easier than making another set from scratch.
A month or so on and started to refine my Holiday Fett..
A bit more weathering to the helmet and new visor I curved from an Acrylic sheet.
The Canary yellow bothered me so have toned it with a Sunburnt orange but needs a wash of some kind, prolly a black wash A few adjustments to the metal plates but want bullet/laser damage.. God I love my metal Armour it can take a real beating.
I need to te make the Ammo belt I knocked up the night before my first Con with him and the EE-3 blaster is back on the bench after the dogs took a liking to the handle.. Patina right?

Here's where I'm at, it's on a female dummy at the moment so out of alinement but you get the idea.

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Thinking of duplicating the gauntlets to make another Mandalorian next year and easier than making another set from scratch.

Ordered a new flightsuit!

I am very impressed with it, fully lined detailed and came with
Neck seal
Extra pouches
Flak vest
Ankle spats..

I've now got an ESB chest display unit which is great and looks cool along with the gyro Range finder unit.

After a long hunt I've found a 6ft Mannequin to display.
It seems to keep evolving month by month.

I've got another bucket ready for my Mottrex mando build and there's still the EE3 blaster to finish and the re paint of my boots then there's the jetpack to consider oh and the rope girth belt which is in hand.
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