Most accurate ESB ammo belt???

I don't think so.Aside from 4 here 4 there vs.8 togather.I don't think there is A very big diffarence.What about the color of stiches on the pouches?Are they the same color?
I believe the original pouches were white and painted brown, as for beeing leather, I also think the pouches were vynil. I can see in a few of the pics off the CD that it looks like the top tab that covers the top of each pouch seems to be folded in 1/3rds, with a half on each side being folded underneath with a seam left down the middle of the underside. I didn't do this when I made mine, but I think I have the size and shape of the pouches pretty accurate ... um I think :D
Good eye fettcicle. You are absolutely right on all counts. That is how the pouches are made. Also, for those who don't know, the real pocuhes are NOT functional. they are glued together!

fettcicle wrote:I believe the original pouches were white and painted brown, as for beeing leather, I also think the pouches were vynil. I can see in a few of the pics off the CD that it looks like the top tab that covers the top of each pouch seems to be folded in 1/3rds, with a half on each side being folded underneath with a seam left down the middle of the underside. I didn't do this when I made mine, but I think I have the size and shape of the pouches pretty accurate ... um I think :D
So can anyone tell me where the 8th ammo pouch is on the ESB ammo belt? I count only seven.

Three on Boba's right with a snap on the middle pouch. And four on the left with a snap on the first and last pouch.
I've only spotted seven on ESB and figured the same with the sidearm.
And on another plane of thought 7 is lucky, 7 deadly sins, and then there is the Seven Samurai which spins into the Magnificent Seven. By all counts the ESB ammo pouch has better karma then the ROTJ then if the seven pouches is true. :lol: -Mark
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