Boba ESB girth belt paint color and brand help!


New Hunter
Hey everyone I am new to this whole thing,

I am just looking for proper Boba ESB girth belt paint color and brand help. Anyone have direct links to paint or stain? I just want to make sure I nail the color and save time and aggravation,

Which bring me to another question should I paint it or stain it? Thanks team
Hello there!

I would highly recommend using water based / latex wood stain.
Paints will rub off and get onto your suit and armor.

You can have any color mixed up at a hardware store, you buy the solid white untinted and have them color it
I've used miniwax and beher with fine results.

- Coat the metal buckles with Vaseline prior to staining as it prevents the metal from being colored, rub the buckles with steel wool or brillo pad after.
- The stain will make a mess and splatter and drip, wear gloves work outside or use a painters drop cloth, wear old clothes.
- Use a paint brush's bristles to gently dab the stain into the fibers, use a old bucket or painters tray
- Hang belt over a bucket to dry (It can take a few days to fully dry and will be dripping since it's saturated with stain)
- You can use paper towels to gently dab the excess stain off but in my experience, should be fully dry within 2 days.

Check this thread, some good looking ESB stains on some of the last pages.
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thank you so much for the information!

I am digging around the forums and seems like no one knows the exact stain color and brand to use.

any links to the exact paint color?
Hello there!

I would highly recommend using water based / latex wood stain.
Paints will rub off and get onto your suit and armor.

You can have any color mixed up at a hardware store, you buy the solid white untinted and have them color it
I've used miniwax and beher with fine results.

- Coat the metal buckles with Vaseline prior to staining as it prevents the metal from being colored, rub the buckles with steel wool or brillo pad after.
- The stain will make a mess and splatter and drip, wear gloves work outside or use a painters drop cloth, wear old clothes.
- Use a paint brush's bristles to gently dab the stain into the fibers, use a old bucket or painters tray
- Hang belt over a bucket to dry (It can take a few days to fully dry and will be dripping since it's saturated with stain)
- You can use paper towels to gently dab the excess stain off but in my experience, should be fully dry within 2 days.

Check this thread, some good looking ESB stains on some of the last pages.
Hey Lowberg,

I took your advice, after looking a dozens of photos and lamenting over which stain color I was going to use I printed off the pantone ink color from 501st. I brought the print to Lowes where they scanned it. Since every printer is different I had him putting in a small amount of more red in the mix. Left with with latex stain and got to work. Here is the end result. Thanks for your help on this.


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