mando commando paints


Active Hunter
Hey guys. I just went ahead and decided not to do Boba Fett. Instead, I'm doing a custom. My main paint colors will be Green and Black, and maybe grey. I looked in the Auto Section of Wal-mart today and they had paints that can be used on Fiberglass after it has dried. They had the right colors for what I was wanting to do. I PM'd a few you guys and I thank you for your advice. Anyway, would those paints do ok on a Rubies Helmet or is that not such a good idea?

Thanks guys.
Sent you a PM.:)
A couple coats of a good good primer should allow you to use automotive type paints. It's always a good idea to test it first on a scrap piece. Like say the vinyl piece that you will cut out in the front when you install a full t visor.
Thanks. I'm going to have to save it so I can read it on what to do next. Now all I gotta do is talk to a friend of mine about that visor.
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