Made my 1st fiberglass codpieces


Well-Known Hunter
Over the weekend we had a Tatoo and Armor part at my house. So, I cast my first fiberglass part. What do you think. The silver that you see is from the aluminum power that I put into it.



It is cool when the person doing the ink comes you. Some of the ink that was done:

You know all day at work I was thinking duh stupid its a BKBT not Seeker I was hoping to make it home and edit it before you saw it LOL Looks great by the way!

I have to say that was the first time I had ever had any experience with glass and it was a good learning process. (I was the guy in the red shirt..since thats about all you can I think Asok's next one will be really nice now that we have figured a few things out!
WhiteArmor said:
I have to say that was the first time I had ever had any experience with glass and it was a good learning process. (I was the guy in the red shirt..since thats about all you can I think Asok's next one will be really nice now that we have figured a few things out!

I would say we learned at lot. Guess what I am doing next weekend? :D
firstsonofsolo said:
Dont say knees because I am just about broke for the next 4-6 weeks LOL

Thats okay. Thursday I helped my friend kill his vac table. So, it will be a few weeks before I can make any more knees. I just have the one set to use as a how to. Then I am hoping to use them as a guide for mold to make them from fiberglass. That is about a month away.
asok said:
Thats okay. Thursday I helped my friend kill his vac table. So, it will be a few weeks before I can make any more knees. I just have the one set to use as a how to. Then I am hoping to use them as a guide for mold to make them from fiberglass. That is about a month away.

I also broke mine recently, so I am making my own. the one I bought from was too small to even form chest armor. I took it apart and discovered I could make one easily, so i'm going to try.
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