jumpsuit question


New Hunter
is it just one long sleeved jumpsuit? or a short sleevedoneover a long sleeved one?

i was tihnking of going with the grey dickies for mine
Well the jumpsuit has the long sleeve, and then the short sleeve ontop. I also have the Dickies jumpsuit, and it has been modified to have the thigh pouches and short sleeves. I plan to upgrade to a better jumpsuit soon though.
thanks for the reply.....but now i am confused........do i buy one or two jumpsuits?......if you modified it to be short sleeved then where does your long sleeves come from?
Well the jumpsuit has the long sleeve, and then the short sleeve ontop. I also have the Dickies jumpsuit, and it has been modified to have the thigh pouches and short sleeves. I plan to upgrade to a better jumpsuit soon though.
Hey GCNgamer128, do you have a pattern(pdf) for the thigh pouches on the jumpsuit....I am going the dickies route as well.
thanks for the reply.....but now i am confused........do i buy one or two jumpsuits?......if you modified it to be short sleeved then where does your long sleeves come from?

some people buy a short sleeve and long sleeve coveralls to make on suit.
If your budget is tight you can buy the short sleeve coverall then buy the matching shirt to make sleeves and thigh pouches

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