Jango Braded belt help.


Active Hunter

i wonder what u guys used for the metal hoop shown? Is it some exsisting part?
I didn't use that method. Do a search for "braided bolo" and read cruzer's tutorial, "look what I whipped up today" and you'll see another method with no clip.
Bleahhh said:

i wonder what u guys used for the metal hoop shown? Is it some exsisting part?

I believe you got that off of my post. I modified a SFP fabric braided belt that already had those on it. I just used the M&J trim and wove it through those two loops so I didn't have to use a backing on it.
i ahve my braids...just wanna do a setup similar to that as it seems like its easy and its secure...

any other suggestions?
Well those little loops are made of solid brass. You could replicate them with any strong material if you want to go that route.
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