HELMETS ARE DONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Maulmaus is too, she's in Germany right now, and has no access to the comp.

MaulMaus wrote:

I wanted to let you know - I'm going to be out of town (going on a trip to Germany to visit family ) I didn't expect to go so soon, but hubby had his schedule changed around (3x... grrrrr...) and I'm leaving on Monday and I won't be back until the 24th.
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We're in. PM me with the price for Kimmy's helmet whenever you get the chance. Thanks. :)
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I'd sure hate to miss out on another one of your projects! :)
.....(still hoping there might be another run of blasters)...

I'm in if there's room
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ok - i guess i'll put one more together... i actually have one partially cast up in the mold right now - i just ran out of sq. tubing and a bit of hardware to do a 6th one... but i can get that stuff... i'm just being lazy and dreading another fiberglass layup.

so - 5 it is... (plus mine).... but that's IT:

  1. Rags
  2. Hothy
  3. Mousey
  4. Kimmy
  5. MonCal

I'll let you all know when they're done.
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I am also interested in her helmet. I could put it together myself so you would not have to mess with cleaning and fine trimming. but i am defiantly interested.
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Thanks Dallas!
I'm always afraid I'm going to miss out on something when I can't check in :) It's sort of like my lotto numbers I've been playing for what....12 years...I just know they're going to call 'em when I forget to buy a ticket....I know, I know, I'm a sucker for the the idiot-tax :D

Anyway, I'm finally back home and hopefully will be able to get back to work on the costume (including shins for whom it may concern) and check in more!! (crosses fingers) ;)
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Just be sure to let us know when you are ready to accept money for the helmets. I want to be sure I get you the payment.
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i'm getting there... an hour one night - 10 minutes the next... but they'll be done VERY soon:

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:eek: Those looks fantastic! I can't believe I missed out on one! :(
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This weekend i got ALL the assembly done and all the weathering on the base helmets. I also got all the armatures bent and assembled (lots of little screws ;) )... the only thing left now is to assemble the binoculars - which i have all the parts for now. I had to go to 3 targets to get all 12 binocs... since they were having a sale on them this past week... they were marked down to $14.24 instead of $14.95.... ooooh... a big savings :)

The binocs should be done tonight or tomorrow... depending on how li'l Franklin is cooperating.... once the binocs are done - then the helmets will be COMPLETE!

btw - they are looking SUPER good... the weathering really brings out the beauty of 'em... i think you'll all be very pleased.
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Very cool. I am looking forward to haveing my helmet. I so need to get a maniqune done for displaying my Zam Suit.
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Is that Rubb & Buff? or is that the stuff you showed me before at Wizards World? wanna share how it was done? :D
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