HELMETS ARE DONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

rub n buff.... pffttt... that's for amatuers ;)

just kidding :)

Yeah - it's Lab Metal... tricky as hell to work with - but the results are totally worth it. It looks so much like metal - because, well, because it IS metal... You accidentally scratch it and it just shines MORE! It even has the cold-to-the-touch feel of metal :)

What lab metal is - is an aluminum compound. It's basically a thick putty with aluminum in it... you can thin it out w/ their lab metal thinner - or just get some toulene (sp?) at the hardware store - it's a LOT cheaper and does he same trick.

This stuff can be thinned to airbrush consistency - but it's a HUGE pain to clean out of the brush and the results aren't really worth the effort. I just thin it enough to brush it on. I brush it as my first layer in the mold - let that dry - then do my layers of fiberglass.

Once it's out of the mold - it looks like a dull grey and not very purty.... just give it a nice sanding and it'll start to shine. I use a 220 grit paper. Then i buff it with a wheel with some rubbing compound on the wheel.

Totally amazing work!
I wish I would've gotten in on these, but my wife didn't want to be Zam then.....now she does. Women! :rolleyes
Well I know Dallas is aware my payment was sent to him this morning. I am so happy to be getting one of these. If the helm does not fit my head as it should well then I Will just have one very expensive display costume in the end, but this is one hell of a nice piece of work dallas has done and if what we saw at dragon Con is what we are getting in this run of them they are well worth it.
*picks self up off the floor*

Wow!!!!!! Those are freakin' awesome! You are a "Costuming GOD" Dallas!!! :D :D

*Many....many thanks to ZamIAm for putting my name on that list! - I owe you dinner at DC2004 now! :D*

Ragresen wrote:

....if what we saw at dragon Con is what we are getting in this run of them they are well worth it.

they're BETTER. The one at DC was my first one out of the mold (well, my 7th one out of the mold.. but the first one that was useable ;) )- and it was a rush to get it done for Yvonne by DC... These new ones have the back hose to them (i didn't find the hose in time for Yvonne's - but i have extra for ya, ZAI, don't worry :) ) I think you will all be pleased.
Those look FANTASTIC!!! :D
Good job man!
Sorry I haven't checked in in a while. I was in Vegas at the VGA awards and just got back home. If someone missed the show spikeTV is still showing re-runs of it. We (501st) didn't actually get as much air time as we were on stage unfortunately....still was a blast...got to meet some stars and hang around backstage etc.

Holy $hi* DCB !!

That's amazing man .... I haven't been following this, but dude, I f I didn't see multiples there, I'd swear you snagged one from a screen cap. Great work my friend !!

Got Mine in today. And all I have to say is wow this is damned amaseing. Dallas you did supurbe work. Even better than the blaster I got from you. I look forward to seeing the next pieces you do.
I brought along my Zam to the a chruistmas party for both the Georgia 501st and the local Rebel Legion. The Helmet was well recieved and lots of great comments on it. So christmas has come early for me.
Wow thats the best thing ive ever seen! How do you make these things oh my lord.

I just wish i could have got here earlier LOL - i always seem to be late on everything :( Does anyone have any idea where i could get a Lid from - i cant find anywhere that does Zam helmets :( Even with some hard work theres no way i could ever make anything 1 jot as good as those.
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