Helmet Size Question?


Well-Known Hunter
With the advent of the GMH helmet and the revelation that the 'screen used' helmets were not as big as originally perceived, my question is this...Is the original vinyl Don Post 95 helmet overall alot closer to 'Movie Sized' than we initially thought? Just curious.
I havent seen one in a while but size wise I think it is shape wise not so much? Maybe TX Fett will chime in with a more definitive answer maybe someone else has a side by side shot. It still may be undersized though...the GMH isnt much smaller than the MR though....
Perhaps someone could measure Jeremy Bulloch's noggin! Perhaps that and get him to tell if he remembers how snug or loose the helmet was when he was filming on ESB! :) just a thought!
I think its safe to say its still smaller (Tenically it has to be the way the metal molds were made for them you loose the thicknes of the molds ) and the GMH from what Ive seen seems to actually be pretty close to the mystery size , and there are comparisons between the mystery and the 95 DP , how ever the DP delux is closer in size than was thought to be but thats old news
I was actually just thinking a couple days ago how I should find my DP helmet and try and get a side by side with my GMH. I haven't actually had the helmet in my hands for probably a few years now but if memory serves its smaller than the Mystery Helmet so It probably should not be too far off from the GMH. However the DP definitely lacks in the details as we all know due to the manner that Don Post Studios cast and mold the helmet.

Well here is some quick shots I took of my GMH and Mystery Helmet a couple months ago.
Dinos 186.jpg
Dinos 195.jpg
I thought the Mystery helmet is one of the biggest. Even a standard FP helmet is closer in size to a GMH than a mystery. Also, I am guessing we will see that the DP vinyl helmet is very close in size to a GMH but will lack the sharpness.
No sir that is NOT correct...the FPH not the MR Premium, is LARGER than the Mystery and GMH check out my thread on the paint up of 2 MR premiums and a FPH. The FPH isnt much larger but its a noticable difference next eachother. The FPH is the darker one.
I believe the MR helmets were scaled up about 12% from the PP3. The Movie Sized Helmets are just about the largest of all fan made helmets.
No sir that is NOT correct...the FPH not the MR Premium, is LARGER than the Mystery and GMH check out my thread on the paint up of 2 MR premiums and a FPH. The FPH isnt much larger but its a noticable difference next eachother. The FPH is the darker one.

I stand corrected! We need a thread that shows them in a row according to size! :lol:

Fett 4 Real - The silver one on the right, is a mystery helmet or a MR premium? Give me the link to your thread so I can see the others you mentioned!

Where does my ASOK CC FP helmet fit into this as far as scaling?
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The FP and FP Premium are MR in origina and are typically mentioned with a MR in there somewhere ;).

The helmet on the left in F4R's picture is a FPH and the one on the right is a FP MR.
The Mystery Helmet MS1, where does it fit in? Is it larger than the Fettpride MR derived helmets?

Like I said, it would be great to have a sticky thread that showed them in order of size.

EDIT: I just checked TK409's website since I remembered he had measurements of a Sgt Fang and it is almost exactly the same as the FP Budget helmet. So I am guessing an MS1 is very close.
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